New Grower LIGHT SCHEDULES: 18/6, 24/4, or 24/7 ?

Jul 15, 2012
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What lighting times work best for you and why? Personally i would like to use 18/6 because of the electricity bill. But my concern is wanting whats BEST for my plants. So let me know what lighting times work best!
either of them lighting times i use 18/6 alot of people use 24/0 then switch to either 20/4 or 18/6 in flowering stage but its just personal choise mate and try running your light during the night time might be a bit cheper on your electric bill :peace:
I run my lights on 18/6 not for the plants but more about being a good neighbour and keeping the noise down, my fan is in the loft so it make a slight rummble so it goes off at 11pm and back on at 5am so not to disturb anybody.

thanks for the info guys! has anyone experimented with say having the lights at 18/6 then doing another grow with 24/4 or 24/0 to see a difference in yield or potency ?
I've grown autos in all types of conditions, lighting schedule, soils, temps...etc.....used MG, humboldt soil, sunshine and a few others but usually stick to nuteless now and very conservative on nutes. I switch from 1000w hps to 400w hps according to heat......Typically I use 12/12 during warm summer months, lights on only at night...then cooler months, I bump up to 18/6 .....Yes, you will see a diff in yeild from 12/12 to 18/6...but that itself doesn't affect potency........that is if you tend them properly. I only grow in small pots...2-4 ltr which tend to dry out faster so I have to stay on top of'em....with all other variables in check, the only thing I've noticed that may affect potency is high heat or grossly 'over doing' something....I stick to the KISS method, using straight sunshine soil with only perlite, no other ammendments, well water, feeding appropriate nutes at appropriate times (when pots are light)....good ventilation....etc.....
First and foremost, the secret is growing a bit of patience alongside your ladies. Works every time.
thanks automan! patience is key and not to be compulsive. think and do as mother nature would! (the optimum mother nature)