I've grown autos in all types of conditions, lighting schedule, soils, temps...etc.....used MG, humboldt soil, sunshine and a few others but usually stick to nuteless now and very conservative on nutes. I switch from 1000w hps to 400w hps according to heat......Typically I use 12/12 during warm summer months, lights on only at night...then cooler months, I bump up to 18/6 .....Yes, you will see a diff in yeild from 12/12 to 18/6...but that itself doesn't affect potency........that is if you tend them properly. I only grow in small pots...2-4 ltr which tend to dry out faster so I have to stay on top of'em....with all other variables in check, the only thing I've noticed that may affect potency is high heat or grossly 'over doing' something....I stick to the KISS method, using straight sunshine soil with only perlite, no other ammendments, well water, feeding appropriate nutes at appropriate times (when pots are light)....good ventilation....etc.....
First and foremost, the secret is growing a bit of patience alongside your ladies. Works every time.