Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Looks Great Skelley !! wish I had a place outdoors to grow. Cheers

Thanks bud!! i hope you get a spot under the sun to grow someday!

It looks nice and green I like the scrog net awesome.
too bad about the small license.
It's going to be an awesome grow anyway. [emoji481][emoji482][emoji100]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]

The plant limit i have is well sufficient. Wait until you see what i can do with 11 indoors!! I doubt i will even grow my max count under the "real" setup....i wont have to!

Blue widow! If I'm not too late

You are too late! But i said screw it and planted the blue widow under the scrog today in full sun!!(because the critical is looking rough) So yeah the total vote ended up +9bubba island +1 blue widow! :D

Put the 2.0 inside, and make lots of hash or extract!

Your garden is stunning my friend.

Thanks bud! Gets too hot to run in the summer, plus i am too busy.

First of all, congrats on your license!! Second thing is........WOW Man!!!! Your garden is seriously beautiful brother! Hats off to you. I am already going to relocate in the future. I was thinking California, but maybe I need to be your neighbor! I am past the half century mark anywhoo, and it seems that I prefer the cold weather to heat these days. Guess I still have good circulation at least. :thumbsup: I also have a few rigs ready to go for your weekend lake excursions. Seriously bro, I look forward to your pics because your passion for what you do comes through, and it seems effortless. You can't help it man, it's just who you are. That's why I love this site; packed with folks with maximum passion, and devoid of all the time wasting bullsh**. Keep doing you brother 912....after all, if you can't be you, who else are you gonna be? :peace:


Thanks bud!! Appreciate the kind words. Ha, come on up man!! Its pretty sweet in the north especially for the anglers!! If you like the cold, then you would like the fall and winters up here for sure!

Forgot to cast my vote 912. I would clip the Cream Mandarin. I always cull the smallest one, but that's just me. Good luck to you.:peace:

Thats where i have been leaning....i do really like the taste and buzz on the cream mandarin XL auto i did last summer, but hey if she is the weakest of the batch then she should be the one to go. Give it a few days and see what is what. Still havent gotten around to digging the final three holes in the partial sun garden. On the agenda for tomorrow.
Woohoo!!!! Don Skelly's gone LEGAL!!!!

Yah, that's so cool man. One worry off your back, for sure.
Congrats. We're all so happy, and jealous too, of course, haha!!

They all look beautiful. Even your "problem" babies are just fantastic.
Which one to move ... hmmmm... hard choice.
I think you've got a bunch of Sweet Seeds strains.
The Roses and Green are just too strong and good.
So the Mandarine, Critical or Crystal.
But you want to try a Dinafem.
So I figure ought to be the Mandarine or Crystal.
I love the Mandarine flavor, she's amazing.
But the Crystal is new. Both can be heavy yields.
Put the Mandarine inside, she can stay short and stocky.

My 2c worth.

Congrats man, heading onwards and upwards!!!!!!!!


Hey thanks maria!! Yeah i think you are absolutely right...seems like the wee mandarin is on the chopping block. Would love to run inside but its soon to be hot and all i have running is the stealth cabinet right now, and we dont run air conditioning unless its just brutal hot outside(100F+)
It looks nice and green I like the scrog net awesome.
too bad about the small license.
It's going to be an awesome grow anyway. [emoji481][emoji482][emoji100]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Haha LOL [emoji2] ...I know you will make a big splash with them plants you grow. God damn Mongo Giant things LOL
shit ....I ain't never seen nobody grown as big as you do GS...
You could come out good with a one plant license. LoL...
Growing trained Sequoias and Redwoods LoL haha [emoji481][emoji482][emoji269][emoji268][emoji267]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Yeah, another one getting legal, me will be the last in the 22nd century:shrug:

To be honest i never thought it would happen. I was sitting there waiting for a "declined" notice to show in the mail...LOL

Haha LOL [emoji2] ...I know you will make a big splash with them plants you grow. God damn Mongo Giant things LOL
shit ....I ain't never seen nobody grown as big as you do GS...
You could come out good with a one plant license. LoL...
Growing trained Sequoias and Redwoods LoL haha [emoji481][emoji482][emoji269][emoji268][emoji267]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]

You ever check out the mendo boys out of northern cali? Seriously, those lads know how to grow beasts!! I would love to have a sit down with those guys and shoot the shit about growing monsters, so if anyone knows these guys and can hook it up, shoot me a PM!! ;) :D :D :D
To be honest i never thought it would happen. I was sitting there waiting for a "declined" notice to show in the mail...LOL

You ever check out the mendo boys out of northern cali? Seriously, those lads know how to grow beasts!! I would love to have a sit down with those guys and shoot the shit about growing monsters, so if anyone knows these guys and can hook it up, shoot me a PM!! ;) :D :D :D

In all honesty though...those plants are about the same size as the ones i grow, they just seem to weigh much heavier than mine!! :D
I don't know about that, we (UK) may well even be behind you and France!
Don' think so Elle, our chancellor Merkel called a female drug czar over 60 years old living today like in the 80's supporting lies after lies on weed, so the next 3 1/2 years here happens nothing, hoping for a younger open minded chancellor after Merkel.
Don' think so Elle, our chancellor Merkel called a female drug czar over 60 years old living today like in the 80's supporting lies after lies on weed, so the next 3 1/2 years here happens nothing, hoping for a younger open minded chancellor after Merkel.
I think there are a lot of governments that need to be more open-minded Mongol! I hope you get yours soon. :pass: