Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

@912GreenSkell how old is your bubba now. Im poping mine tonight
And another one for BIK!! Thats +8 to zero for the blue widow and widowbomb!!

Will get age a bit later(just did some training for outdoor life, open canopy training)...she isnt as big as she could be with minimal circularion and under the t5's. Update tonight
And another one for BIK!! Thats +8 to zero for the blue widow and widowbomb!!

Will get age a bit later(just did some training for outdoor life, open canopy training)...she isnt as big as she could be with minimal circularion and under the t5's. Update tonight
I think shes a beauty how do they take to training easy to get the side branchs to pop up or does she want to stay squat
I think shes a beauty how do they take to training easy to get the side branchs to pop up or does she want to stay squat

Mine naturally pushed out side branches, even before i topped her at 4 true nodes(discarding the lowest single leaf set of branches) All older plants at day 42. I tied all plants down today, doing open canopy training. The closet plants unde the t5's dont get a whole lots of wind, so they are pretty rubbery in the branches....that will change quickly now that they are living the day outside. All plants comparable in size, but the fruity chronic and the green poison fast are leading the pack, and the think fast is dropping behind in size a bit.

Start with the Bubba Island Kush

And the think fast

DP Blueberry

Fruity Chronic Juice beefing up like crazy

Ahh but we have a slight issue!! Middle fans are showing slight deficiency at 4grams per gallon of Megacrop...what do you guys think?




And finally the blue widow
And the seedlings, now mostly through any young struggles, and getting along fine at day 23, the crystal candy is around day 30(ouch....rough start for her!!)

First up the Critical and the hurting mandarin...man she was it hard! Still see a bit of residual N toxicity in the mandarin.

Crystal Candy doing well now, close to day 30

Some leaf deformity on the CC

Eleven roses doing spectacular at day 23

Green Poison, biggest of the lot, along with Eleven roses. All taking 2 grams per gallon megacrop perfectly.
Only the density was poor...everything else is great, with speed being a major plus!! Even the yield....it was okay for a fairly small plant, just not great. Considering it was nearly 2oz out of 1.5 gallons of medium(promix), its not a bad haul at all.

The vote is still running!! And bubba is clean sweeping this show!! Yeah i have never run GDP so this ought to be a treat!! Still keep the votes up, if anyone wants to see widowbomb or blue widow get the prime spot instead of Bubba Island Kush!! But currently we are at
+7 Bubba Island Kush
0 Widowbomb
0 Blue Widow
me mark on Bubba
Thanks for popping by maria!!

Ahh yes.....topped the final seedling today, cream mandarin is done. 4 true nodes for all. Also i built two 4X4 scrog screens. 2 more to do...i was planning on scrogging in the partial sun garden....but had a change of heart and now we be scroggin' on the 4 smaller plants in the full sun garden.(so dinfem critical + 2.0, Delicious Eleven roses, Green Poison, and ??? likely the Bubba Island Kush......still waiting on votes!! +8 for Bubba Island Kush, and zero votes for Blue Widow and Widowbomb both of which are larger in size than the Bubba currently)
Mine naturally pushed out side branches, even before i topped her at 4 true nodes(discarding the lowest single leaf set of branches) All older plants at day 42. I tied all plants down today, doing open canopy training. The closet plants unde the t5's dont get a whole lots of wind, so they are pretty rubbery in the branches....that will change quickly now that they are living the day outside. All plants comparable in size, but the fruity chronic and the green poison fast are leading the pack, and the think fast is dropping behind in size a bit.

Start with the Bubba Island Kush
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And the think fast
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DP Blueberry
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Fruity Chronic Juice beefing up like crazy
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Ahh but we have a slight issue!! Middle fans are showing slight deficiency at 4grams per gallon of Megacrop...what do you guys think?
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And finally the blue widow
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I think needs a little humanure compost:crying:
and those gals brimming with health, oh yeah!