Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Ahh yes...pulled two spots of mold out of the critical + 2.0 today as well after searching the entire plant. Finally catching some nice smell on the Critical. Strong lemon smell incoming, as well as crystal forming...took a long time to form on the critical.
Ahh yes, security!! Been working hard on tweaking the security system. Got the full sun garden well under night vision now. Cameras work way better than expected. On some/many cameras you could see someone walking 120 feet away. Awesome.

And the siren......very, very happy to say that the security company Ideal Security, made it right. They replaced the limited range siren, and sent me one that works as it should. So this grow is pretty much under electronic lock and key now!! Special thanks to the awesomeness that is @wwwillie , seriously man, i don't think i could have got the security stuff figured out on my own, and i greatly appreciate the help.
That's great news, I hope you are now able to get some good rest of an evening without having to worry about some dumb ass stealing the fruits of your labor. Enjoy the early bud!

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That's great news, I hope you are now able to get some good rest of an evening without having to worry about some dumb ass stealing the fruits of your labor. Enjoy the early bud!

Sent from my SM-J320ZN using Tapatalk

Thanks bud!! I am still not totally done the system. Have a bit more to tweak before i feel really secure. Soon though!
Could you do a partial harvest on the GP to allow for more airflow and time for the rest to ripen further? Or is that too risky

I seriously considered that...the thing is(and its something not obvious in the pics), is the GPfast upper buds are well formed, but thats it. Get past the first foot or so on the cola's, and the bud is so sparse its not worth trimming(and its one of those ultra wispy underformed buds that i don't think will ever form properly). This is one of those occasions where a selective harvest won't do much for production i don't think. Lots of bud incoming!! Not worried about it. Like I always say

"Better to toke and Fly, than Wait and Cry."