Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Well last night was a long one!!! Yeah i knew i had a bad feeling. Lost a half dozen or so branches on various plants. Think fast, fruity chronic juice, and green poison fast all flat on their faces. I went out at midnight to assess, but there was enough moonlight that i ended up spending 5 hours repairing damage. Now i need to get out there and finish what i started last night. Rough!! Still lots of branches to put on flower!! The fruity chronic juice was decimated, spend a good 2 hours trying to fix here up last night. What is the cure for working all night? Why, working all day of course....arrrgggghhhhh, this season might actually do me in!
Yeah I am getting worn out already man!! Gonna be a rough season...if shit falls apart on me, I at least have the indoor to fall back on this winter. Planning on starting some wee ones on october the 1st. Didnt want to overlap seasons, but on the other hand i need to have round one of autos done by january 1st. Planning an icefishing trip in early january sometime, so i want mature demanding plants finished. I can get small plants looked after when i am gone, especially if i leave the day after i put them in the ground. (soaked dirt will ride out for 5-6 days easy without having to do anything)
hope you are all rested up by Jan 1:biggrin:, lots of bales to heft. By then the trials of the season will be but dust under a mountain of bud!
The worst part battling Nature, we're just too small. This is becoming the toughest part for me, those midnight wake up calls when she's throw n the heavy stuff and I'm going to be out there how many hrs? I used to live for these challenging moments, my endurance was Legion, now exhaustion comes sooner, heading for the vape:hookah:
Hey man, have a little :slap: to help cheer you along. Maybe it won't be too bad out there today!

Thanks elle! Appreciate the kind thoughts!

Hope the storm didn't do any damage!


Well it did do some damage, but not too bad...it looked like a warzone, but most were just bend right over and only few were broken. Lost a few very nice branches, but overall it wasn't too bad...just 10 hours of fixing branches, and the garden is in okay shape again!
I have to say...i did a pretty damn good job repairing in the dark last night!! As @trailanimal knows, sometimes you have to get the job done in the dark!! ;)

hope you are all rested up by Jan 1:biggrin:, lots of bales to heft. By then the trials of the season will be but dust under a mountain of bud!

I'll be so fired up to go icefishing nothing will matter!! ;)

adapting to conditions, all ya can do

I strive to make my grow easier and better even a little bit every season. And next years improvement is already in sight.

The worst part battling Nature, we're just too small. This is becoming the toughest part for me, those midnight wake up calls when she's throw n the heavy stuff and I'm going to be out there how many hrs? I used to live for these challenging moments, my endurance was Legion, now exhaustion comes sooner, heading for the vape:hookah:

Yeah, that's it man. Often (for me anyways), the mental challenge is often even more challenging than the physical challenge. Knowing your plants are getting pounded down by weather, and only being able to sit there and wait it out, is sheer torture.
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Thanks elle! Appreciate the kind thoughts!

Well it did do some damage, but not too bad...it looked like a warzone, but most were just bend right over and only few were broken. Lost a few very nice branches, but overall it wasn't too bad...just 10 hours of fixing branches, and the garden is in okay shape again!
I have to say...i did a pretty damn good job repairing in the dark last night!! As @trailanimal knows, sometimes you have to get the job done in the dark!! ;)

I'll be so fired up to go icefishing nothing will matter!! ;)

I strive to make my grow easier and better even a little bit every season. And next years improvement is already in sight.

Yeah thats it man. Often (for me anyways), the mental challenge is more challenging than the physical challenge. Knowing your plants are getting pounded down by weather and only being able to sit there and wait it out, is sheer torture.

Just a thought Skelly. If you can time your harvest with a tornado, that could save you a lot of trimming!