Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Hope you got them all straightened out my friend without so much damage...interesting how the scrogs could be a real game change for your situation:goodluck:

They really do make a difference in stability for torrential rain and near extreme wind. In total, I lost around a dozen secondary branches and a half dozen main branches...still a ton of budsites left!! The one plant to blow me away that she came through that storm unscathed is the DP Blueberry. In previous years she has been the strain to turn into a real problem with that type of rain and wind.
Nothing like another storm front to roll in right now....jeez....i could handle a break from mother nature now!! (in her defense i did curse her yesterday, called her some pretty mean names! LOL...sorry!)

Man, I’m sorry to hear about your weather. I can totally relate. We get those kinds of crazy storm. We had a windstorm the other day that literally snapped a young lady off at the ground and deposited her about 5m away. Lol! Hope Mother Nature gives you that break. Roll away the dew!
Any relief from the rain in site bud?
How’s the weather up there??

Pretty much a nightmare!! Finally caught a bit of a break yesterday and today.... 40 degrees celsius break!! And now they are calling for thunderstorms for the next 7 days....ouch indeed!! Ah well, keep limping through the nasty weather and hope for the best, all you can do!! So far the only one to be a real problem with the weather is the Green Poison fast...i hate seasons like this one, where we get a drought, and then a wet fall. Too many rubbery branches with a lack of rigidity flopping all over the place. So yeah the Green Poison fast is having molding problems(pulled 8 smaller spots in the last 2 days), and i have decided i want some fresh bud, and will be chopping in a week, even though she won't be finished. I don't want to spread mold spores all over the place this early in the game so her time is coming soon!!

Green Poison Fast



And the regular green poison is doing awesome...looks like we are going to have some fat buds on this one!!


Bubba Island Kush is finally flowering....she wont finish, but there will be some bud at least!

Blue Widow....what a monster!! HUge plant

And the queen...Dp's Blueberry

Check the BB stalk now...wowsers!!

Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice....this plant took some serious heat the last storm we got....we got 5 inches of rain in a few hours.

Some storm damage pics...lost 4 or 5 secondary branches on the FCJ



Finally DP think fast...she took a beating as well...lost a major primary branch(slipped off the reverse support)
Ahh yes, security!! Been working hard on tweaking the security system. Got the full sun garden well under night vision now. Cameras work way better than expected. On some/many cameras you could see someone walking 120 feet away. Awesome.

And the siren......very, very happy to say that the security company Ideal Security, made it right. They replaced the limited range siren, and sent me one that works as it should. So this grow is pretty much under electronic lock and key now!! Special thanks to the awesomeness that is @wwwillie , seriously man, i don't think i could have got the security stuff figured out on my own, and i greatly appreciate the help.