NEWS Legalization is Closer Than We Think, Hopefully

Wow, after reading these posts I feel extra lucky to be living in Canada. $140oz, $5g no problem taxes in. New Cannabis Products | OCS | Ontario Cannabis Store you can see for yourself at the link. OCS is the official Ontario sales portal, but if you go to any cannabis storefront the prices are the same. They get their supply from OCS. OCS is the provincial wholesalers who also sells direct to consumer via the web only. They don't have a storefront and stores must buy from them. Can't complain about the prices and the quality is very good. My only complaint has been the bud is always very dry, part of the quality control in place to ensure no mold forms.

And as far as availability, In my city of about 180,000 we have almost too many stores. every 5km or less you'll find a store. The first year there were only two stores, so lineup were a bit long, but now they are everywhere. We actually have a glut of cannabis on the market right now and suppliers have to scale back a bit.

On top of that, and I detailed this in a different post in this forum, we can grow up to four plants at home with no special license. Which is what I do. Nobody will complain if you have four plants, and to be honest, as long as you're not selling what you grow nobody will get in trouble for a few extra plants above the 4. If you try to sell and get caught yes, you're in trouble. Nobody I know bothers, why would you.

And you can't get in trouble for carrying a personal amount of cannabis on you. The police don't even bother hassling people at all. It's totally legal. If I'm going on a domestic flight I can carry it on me, even in carry on bag. Nobody cares, the don't even ask if you're carrying pot. DO NOT do that on an international flight or you will end up on the wrong side of the law when you hit your destination though.

It was a long time coming, but our cannabis laws now are exceptionally free and open for users and personal growers. In my opinion, it's actually a bit too open. Very often I see people smoking cannabis where kids are in close proximity. Pretty much if you can smoke cigarettes in a spot you can smoke cannabis in that spot. So I'm not a big fan of kids being exposed to the smoke, and if my kids were younger I'd be annoyed, even as a daily user that someone is smoking pot in smelling distance to them. But mine are teens now, so I don't really care. But you can actually smoke cannabis more openly and freely than drinking a beer in Canada these days.

When I was in Vegas a year and a half ago someone brought me to a cannabis store, I didn't realize it was legal there. But they warned me not to smoke it outside where the police can see you or it can still be an issue. Well if I can't smoke it in public and I can't smoke it in my hotel... where can I smoke it and not get in trouble?? So I didn't even bother. Don't intend on getting into trouble for something so ridiculous.

So my US friends, pack your winter coat, warm up that car and head on up to Canada where you can grow and smoke all day long and not a person in the country will care a less... oh wait.... they may offer you some edibles, but that's about how far the discussion will go lol.
Salutations CDN88,

...extra lucky to be living in Canada.

In "Canada"?? Please consider testing such extreme luck in Québec if/whenever given a "chance"...

My only complaint has been the bud is always very dry, part of the quality control in place to ensure no mold forms.

Now that's odd as well because my 5th attempt with SQdC's offer finally suggests that crispy-dry over-conditioning CAN be avoided:

N.B.: The bag also contained a Desiccare Integra Boost 2-Way Humidity Regulator ("62 8 gr") inside...​

...we have almost too many stores...

Trois-Rivières which had a population of 137188 persons in 2017 still has only ONE today. E.G. 1 as in single...

...every 5km or less...

How about a 30 minutes car ride via highway, e.g. almost 10 times the distance just to be requested for an identification card simply to enter, even if visibly aged over 21 multiple times!

...we can grow up to four plants at home...

ZERO in my forgotten part of "Canada", Manitoba too as i vaguely recall...

Nobody will complain if you have four plants...

That's another world again, because in here a retro-active privilege was granted to landlords who wish to engage into eviction procedures using cannabis as a lever.

...can't get in trouble for carrying a personal amount of cannabis...

It turns out my rent includes a private balcony and no display or smell of cannabis is tolerated even there, much less inside.

The police don't even bother hassling people at all. It's totally legal.

Try that in a place where t-shirts printed with cannabis leaves justify a ticket, then possibly an eviction if captured in picture or video by jealous neighbours, as those living in my dear elders house.

...our cannabis laws now are exceptionally free and open for users and personal growers. In my opinion, it's actually a bit too open.

Québec's local cannabis laws are exceptionally retrograde in a "Légaleezation" context with ZERO home-cultivation tolerated no matter how old and/or sick, which is just like Prohibition 2.0 - in my canadian marginalized opinion...

Very often I see people smoking cannabis where kids are in close proximity.

It's not conceivable doing that here, especially smelly smoking unless one feels prepared for trouble (ideally with a good lawyer in the pocket). Legal distance is 9 meters anyway, so this means Québekers must be wealthy landlords themselves with plenty of a guardband around their building to basically ensure nosy outsider won't claim a right to interfere. So what annoys me is pretending to "save" even children that don't actually exist - not in a place as mine where nobody is below 55 in any case!

...more openly and freely than drinking a beer in Canada these days.

Once again i don't know what planet that's on and it doesn't matter being a micro-dosing vaporist: as long as it's about cannabis i'll live with the threat of being rendered homeless until i die. So i guess YMMV but i never put my trust in magic thinking if given real options, which is exactly why i wrote about non-democratic representation at the UN/WHO serving as an off-limits refuge for bigots to organize. In simpler words the legislators of USA, Canada and many other countries have a duty to harmonize the country's "legal" setup with international treaties.

...not a person in the country will care...

Yet somehow the medicinal CBD alternatives remain totally unaffordable/inaccessible. Supposedly to protect society and its legally-vulnerable statistically-ellusive kids.

Thanks (NOT) for sending us Kevin Sabet & Nora Volkow so they could warm up the show at hotel Marriott in Montréal:


...using Colorado as an excuse while pretending to "inform" 80-some so-called "scientifics" gathered during an ADDICTION symposium, organized in Calgary/Alberta by the CSAM of which 40-yr career "therapist" Jean-Pierre Chiasson (seated in the 1st chair of the 1st row) happens to be a senior member (even part of its "standards" commitee...), ready to evoke the memory of his own son who died because of dope (but certainly not cannabis and hence much less relevant to any "légaleezation" context IMHO!)... Which must have caused tears to flow unless one knew better... Too bad none of "us" got invited: same mindset as for FCTC/COP6, essentially.

Ah, and forget about SQdC cooking (at ridiculous near-homeopatic dosage, if not "incidental" or even placebo - or simply CBD for that matter)!


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Sounds like quite the conundrum up there. The US is still struggling with the states v federal laws. A state can legalize it but still illegal federally. A dicey situation for everyone.

Quebec has always been a bit difficult haven't they? I always liked my trips to Canada but Montreal and pretty much anywhere in Quebec was guaranteed at least one tense moment. My French is not fluent but quite passable. I always liked going into a shop and hearing them speak english and then clam up when I got the the counter, Francais seulement! And reply in French to only then be met by silence as if they had really meant Mandarin or Burmese instead.....
Salutations DCLXVI,

Quebec has always been a bit difficult... ...I always liked my trips to Canada but Montreal...

My understanding of the timeline differs and it's not superficially limited to similar caricatural "tensions" as evoked above - which Justin Trudeau fully instrumentalized starting with his own failure to properly translate "incidental" as "possession simple" (e.g. exploiting the language barrier for at least 2 years even after winning the 2015 elections i think)! Previously to such key-event one may also happen to remember how Joy Davies of South Surrey/White Rock got treated by Vancouver's own liberals and yet avoid refering to British Columbia as a province full of women haters, for example... Instead i much prefer to highlight the simple idea of strategic timing, one month being initially known as pro-cannabic then the next displayed as symbolical sacrifice, "A Mari Usque Ad Mare"... Eventually in both official languages and still just not leaving sufficient reflexion time to dissipate the resulting confusion until after the poles.

Feels like déjà vu? Try installed guru Hilary Geller, put in place by Harper then sent as Canada's emissary in preparation of UNGASS 2016 by Trudeau:


Etc., etc.

So in retrospective ain't the late apparent vanishing of Earl F. Blumenauer starting to look reminescent of similar timely strategies? 1st in a fairly-promissing position then made useless (if we pay attention to recent temptations to further criminalize elsewhere)... Which changes nothing to that other reality i hoped to bring to attention previously, on the contrary: above the two neighbour federal parliaments there are international treaties never submitted to open debate within the respective democratic spaces of any participating country. Additionally, lets take note that long ago "Québec" already got turned into some bigot prohibitionist prototype via its "Pharmacy Act" (53 Vict, 1890, chap. 46) adding "Indian Hemp" to its "Liste des POISONS" of "Cédule A" (besides arsenic & cyanure...), just as mysteriously as with the 1923 national ban of Sévérin Béland, another self-serving politician of the Liberal Party in Ottawa.

Never forget the "collège des médecins", and for that matter the addictionist "science" of hotel Marriott (in Montréal) actually imported from Alberta and USA only months after the Task Force of Bill G20 Blair published their "report", on August 24th exactly:


Weeks only after SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert KILLED a French-speaking immigrant of Montréal-Nord over 8 oz which police had to gather from other pockets not belonging to their unarmed victim... This was following Justin's fake "consultation" NEVER accounting suitably for fundamental differences over our diverse societies vs dispensaries & compassion clubs - which fits quite well within the parameters of your reply.

It's called "divide to conquer" and that's how we promptly come to chase ghosts, while the enemy continues to progress: slowly but successfully, so IMO it's a shame when even the present CBD paradox still won't retain attention!


That's no wonder to me neither if strangers refuse to find anything odd in articles as this utterly rare sample, provided right below:

Le Québec à la traîne dans l’industrie du cannabis (2021-Apr-4)
« C’est aussi une des provinces où il y a le moins de prescriptions de cannabis médical au Canada. Sur les 377024 en vigueur au pays, le Québec n’en compte que 21692, alors que l’Ontario en recense 201739. »

Briefly put this arrives through Canada's national propagandist filters considering there was ZERO cultural ground for what came next, despite such most evident level of mis-representation that was already reflected by Trudeau's 2016 report (...), with only *1* LP based on our territory against 36 elsewhere. Yet never mind mentioning it somehow, meanwhile few voters are even concerned by the use of Pest Control Products despite phenomenons as "lab shopping" occuring in US last year during the e-Cig crisis:

Google Images: Cannabis "Lab Shopping"

To each his own priorities i guess...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Ya but you're talking about Quebec, what do you expect. I was talking about Canada lol.

(For those unfamiliar with Canadian politics Quebec has tried to LEAVE Canada several times through referendum and came close once in recent history, they are too special to be part of our great country, either that or they don't like saying "sorry" or "eh" as much as the rest of us.)

Joking aside (don't take in personally @Egzoset ), I feel your pain considering in Ontario and MANY other provinces we are enjoying the new laws quite well. And people critize the Conservatives for being too tight with these types of things. It's a conservative Gov in Ontario that has made Cannabis access as easy as it is today. The same Premier of the province who brought back $1 beer hahaha. Seriously folks, I'm not making this up.

Sounds like quite the conundrum up there.
No it's not really. You don't hear many complaining about our canabis laws. Sure some areas may be underserviced in some people's views but most are thrilled.

I have nothing against Quebec, but Quebec has something against me. Every time I go people are very rude to me because I don't speak French. I can barely order off a menu in French, and when I try they are almost ruder to me for trying. Most other cultures appreciate you trying.
So anyway, sorry your Canadian Cannabis story is not filled with glass slippers like mine is. People here wear cannabis leaf Covid masks to work in respectable roles and people don't judge. Maybe my french compadre's should chillax with a bong more often and back off the judginess of the whole thing. They might be nicer to people outside of Quebec too then.

And in Qubec, don't you have something similar to our Ontario Canabis Store online? Can you not just order it? Heck we've been in lockdown most of the past 12 months anyway, never ordered more stuff from Amazon than the past 12 months. Quebec is so uptight. sheesh. I hope i don't get attacked for this... but I feel a referendum on this post coming....
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Hi again CDN88,

I hope i don't get attacked for this...

You should, but somehow i may find convenient that such repeated Québec-bashing (propaganda) happens to illustrate my criticism over Trudeau's manipulations exploiting the language barrier, mixed with blatant expressions of pure hate-speech although he doesn't have to speak the words himself (like a spineless traitor) - and of course there's always volunteers ready to serve as puppets, or those of, euh... Go figure, could be the RCMP behind, instead of the Liberal Party, or some other toxic type of fanatics, etc. Maybe even on a payroll to do so, for that matter: since "influencers are now present everywhere" but never free.


It's a conservative Gov in Ontario that has made Cannabis access as easy as it is today.

What i remember of it is that Harper instrumentalized suffering medical patients by making them legal hostages and hence this particular group reacted by refering to the confederation of 1867 (with a bit of "PuppyEye" emotion-based strategy i think), so the conservatives decided to assume control of production and distribution - by virtue of international treaties - the same as for USA... One difference being that intolerant prejudice gets directed at visible groups down south while in the rest of Canada it's about denying even the existence of a founders nation originating from France, not to mention the aboriginals who were there before... Which explains, anyway, why the word "incidental" must get translated as "possession simple" and not just "possession" still today; which is a radical change of perspectives.


Briefly put, since the matter of political sovereignty was evoked (...), it finally appears that Justin Trudeau managed to succeed where his father once failed: e.g. when he considered putting all Quékekers on their knees, collectively, by inflating unemployment and welfair artificially! In comparison the son's strategy proved more elaborate by causing some obvious distribution imbalance based on "medical" cannabis, initially, since in Québec we had no culture of "dispensaries" and we didn't resort on pity to manage with our own private affairs.

Another aspect of his bogus 2016 consultation resulting from such instrumentalization of dispensary cultures, actually alien to Québec, was that those dispensary clients were "legal" and felt at ease using their true civil identity, assorted with a civic address; refusing to be associated to criminals...

IMHO this corresponded to excluding most of the cannabis consumers in my province, though it still won't explain why Manitoba was sacrificed too, except perhaps because it's the land of Louis Riel (who got hanged by englishmen):

The day Louis Riel was hanged (1965-Nov-16)

...much the same as you presently appear to be enjoying racist expression, both of you in service of TrudeauManiacs as brave automatons.


Consequently i can't but continue to argue that Québec-bashing sounds most displaced here, especially in a USA context. Better re-read all my previous suggestions of alternative discussion avenues - obviously ignored so far while the love-of-hate/hate-of-love triumphs. Take your pick!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
What i remember of it is that Harper instrumentalized suffering medical patients by making them legal hostages
I wasn't referring to the Harper Gov, that was a decade ago bud. I was talking about the Ford Conservative Gov in Ontario right now. He's the one who fixed the canabis rollout and has cut red tape that stopped stores from opening. Now they are all over Ontario. Big and small cities.

You're getting way too worked up on a cannabis forum dude. Chill. Nobody is Quebec bashing, I just pointed out that when in Quebec people are not the friendliest and tend to lash out..... hmmmmmm, no lashing going on here. Anyhow, smoke a dube and let's move on eh. I don't think anyone here really cares about the Canadian history of Quebec and Indegenous people. Little bit heavey TBH.
@Egzoset - Sorry if I came off wrong, not trying to say anything bad about Quebec. Just personal anecdote I thought was a bit funny.

To all of Canada though: Thank you for the beer.

Back to the US - Holy cow! Virginia! Another one down. I am really surprised at how fast this is happening.
Insult "for fun" then insult openely again and if by any chance there's some protest just divert all blame elsewhere so even more insult can be added.

What happened to Joy Davies, a parallel to Earl Blumenauer? Never mind, it's only accessorial i suppose. Hate expression is all that matters all the sudden, next step: cause yet another Egzoset ban, right? Which was the plan starting with the 1st uninvited provocation... With the "moderator" waiting for his signal i bet.