LED driver cooling

My mars light you can take the driver off and put it outside the tent.
If my light does have over heating problems even with another clip fan for the light itself, I will probably try those component cooling fans, otherwise its gonna be a new light. Its all hypothetical right now. Im gonna do a 24h test run before i germ to see what its like
If my light does have over heating problems even with another clip fan for the light itself, I will probably try those component cooling fans, otherwise its gonna be a new light. Its all hypothetical right now. Im gonna do a 24h test run before i germ to see what its like
Sounds like a good idea. The ac infinity fans you put on here they can just lay right on top of the driver. Should have rubber feet to hold them somewhat in place. There really for stereo receivers.
Sounds like a good idea. The ac infinity fans you put on here they can just lay right on top of the driver. Should have rubber feet to hold them somewhat in place. There really for stereo receivers.
Yeah i was actually thinking of maybe getting 4 and just putting em over the heat syncs in each corner of the board. Im worried about the board overheating the driver since theres less than a 1/4 inch between the 2. Well see though, im sure it'll be fine, after all I did upgrade the ventilation for the 3x3 kit and I am gonna get another 4" clip on just for the light no matter what. Id rather play that one safe.
I know nothing about drivers not attached directly to the board itself...can you remove the driver if its installed directly to the board?
Unless you've got some skills I wouldn't. Really, as long as you have enough headroom above the light, the directions should give you that, you shouldn't have to worry about it at all. You'll just likely be buying a new light well before you wear that one out :d5:
Well i was gonna use multiple over the whole 24x24 board, but after talking with everyone I just decided to get another clip on for it :cheers:

I think that is the best decision, you can really tell the difference between with and without the fan.
If its possible I recommend putting the driver outside the tent, my mars TS1000 and FC3000 both drivers I have em out on top of the tents.
Unfortunately I believe my driver is cemented to the board. When I upgrade I will be looking into getting a light with a seperate driver. I think I will be ok though. The tent will have plenty of airflow. I was just wondering if anyone has done the whole component cooling fan thing.