Indoor Laundry Basket of Doom...mwahahaha

an expandable basket,how does that work,or is it allready fully extended ?
good luck :pass:for plant and an upset mrs.
keep er lit.
It expands/ collapses vertically, Due to the "spring" in the fabric.

Judging from the difference in size between it and a 5 gallon bucket, I should be able to fit at least 25 gallons of coco in it.
(I'm not a small guy as I've said before... So ignore the huge hand holding it up... That thing is 22-24" tall)
is it strong enough,it wont burst at the seems midgrow ? 25 gals ? 25 gals ?:WTF::growing:
I was actually thinking about that. It ain't mud season yet, So I'll probably grab a couple ratchet straps from my truck, and put them in the areas between the "spring", Just incase the weight gets to be too much once all the coco is wet, Mid-grow.