Outdoor Latitude 56* Scotland guerrilla/ninja style

Yeah that's a good point man why have I never registered that. Always heard it was a good way to check but never thought ought of it. Cheers man. It's weird the white widows putting on more growth but it's still coming out like albino.
Hey guys sorry not been hitting you up with any updates, busted myself skating so not been great the past week. So update we lost the Frisian Dew and a mouse (I guess) got one of the 60 day wonders. The rest seem to have adapted to outside life so on my day off next week probably Wednesday Il be moving them out properly. They've had 2 feeds now at 1/2 strength and looking happy. Unfortunately the Scottish weather has taken a change for the normal. Overcast, grey and not that warm. Here's hoping it improves. IMG_20180617_154857.jpg IMG_20180617_155014.jpg IMG_20180617_154903.jpg
I would be inclined to aim to plant out when they were a bit larger if I was going guerrilla style I reckon, but equally those babies probably want to be out of those pots in the next week. I find transplanting easiest, and least likely to damage a fragile root system, when the soil in the pots is fairly dry. A treatment of glyphosate to the planting area a week or so in advance of planting should give a small plant a good start with limited competition until it gets big enough to compete with the local weeds. Will they have any grazing and/or wind protection when they go out? Bear in mind that all my experience is under glass, so take it with a pinch of salt.
Hope you heal soon, looks like they are coming on nicely.
I too would also like them a bit bigger but I feel I'd do more damage putting them into bigger pots for a week to then plant out. Gonna make some chicken wire frames up to try and keep rabbits at bay. My entire grow site is surrounded by 6ft deer fence so that helps. Wind protection on site is alright lots of young trees.
Looking good there - they mostly survived the storms I see :D Even my old garden site got totally hammered though just about everything that got flattened is now sitting up again.

I'd get them out ASAP, just because we don't want the taproots spiralling and filling the pots (except for the one in the larger pot - it's small and can wait).

You might need to stake n tie the lanky looking ones to give them some wind support.

Are you planning on digging holes and infilling with compost first?
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Looking good there - they mostly survived the storms I see :D Even my old garden site got totally hammered though just about everything that got flattened is now sitting up again.

I'd get them out ASAP, just because we don't want the taproots spiralling and filling the pots (except for the one in the larger pot - it's small and can wait).

You might need to stake n tie the lanky looking ones to give them some wind support.

Are you planning on digging holes and infilling with compost first?
Yeah man looks like we made it through and I see were supposedly going back to summer as we head through into next week. Yeah iv got holes already to go about a foot deep and wide back filled with compost. IV just fed them today so going to aim for next few days. And yeah think I'm going to have to give them some support and also going to throw together some chicken wire cakes just to protect them whilst they're still small.
So as I mentioned above the grow site is ready to go. I took a trip there not long ago just to check nothing looked differerent not that I'm expecting anybody to be there as you'll see it's quite a jungle to get through to my little clearing. Full southward facing and pretty much uninterrupted light as the sun moves across. 6foot fence surrounding area. Soil is reasonable and amended with compost chicken manure pellets and Epsom salts. Most plants look good to go apart from the 3 smallest which I think will be a week later if they improve. IMG_20180621_163520.jpg IMG_20180621_163537.jpg IMG_20180621_155140.jpg
Looks like a nice site (esp. with that unshaded facing view). As suggested I'd do a bit of ground clearance. I liked to give my old guerrillas about 12-18" of dead growth around the base of any planting, using (as you have described) a pre prepared pit - do break up some compost and loosen and mix at the bottom even deeper than 1' if you can << roots can become bound to a soil layer - so breaking up the bottom and mixing in compost (or extra drainage gravel if it's a wet clay soil) can provide a transition between compost and au-naturele and can encourage roots downward if they need to search for moisture or extra nutrients..

I wouldn't go down the glyphosate clearance route << it's a total overkill for individual plantings imo, just weed out and clear back to the earth in small patches where required.

What I would do tho is create a 'kill zone' for snails and slugs around the plants. This involves a liberal sprinkling in the area surrounding the plants (in among all that natural cover) of the snail and slug bait pellets (the little blue tic-tac ones) - Yer it's not 'organic' but it is bird and general wildlife friendly (I do have an allotment and it's fruit/veg safe << like everything in life use sensibly and sparingly), but it creates an area around your plantings where the critters perish and the pellets aren't visible hidden in the undergrowth << even if you are strictly organic in the nutrients side the kill zone 'outside' your planting area will minimise slithering damage inside the planting area.
yeah iv dug them at least a foot by a foot and started clearing out weeds il be planting 3 around each group, right back to 3 and 2 with a bit of spacing, all have great light and also wind protection. im gonna clear like a meter round each group leaving only very little ground cover. and also take out a lot of the taller weeds. I like the perimeter slug defence idea and im also going to save egg shells for around the bases. so the weather man just told me my area should be expecting 23-27*c coming in next few days but also im going away for 4-5 days after the weekend so I think il be on site before then. do u think I should just plant up the runts with the good ones, give them a big feed and hope for the best. they will receive better light once theyre outside and obviously have more room? or should I wait until I return? still cant get these photos to upload