Outdoor Latitude 56* Scotland guerrilla/ninja style

I'm thinking more lack of light than anything in nutrients at such a young stage (watch out for over watering - keep those pots mildly moist not wet << it's easy to over water when we're all sweating in the office - or wherever - but humidity is unusually high (well here 50-70% last week) so not much drying out going on or plant transpiration.

Since it has been unusually warm even a sheet of glass and a few bricks in a temporary structure will make a rainproof coldframe (my chilly seedlings in the open got hammered by a thunderstorm so I do recommend some early IN/OUT sheltering).

But remember we are blessed, even in pre-solstice Scotland, we have long daylight which might well dump more sun power onto them than the LED.

surely the lack of light problem would have manifested itself begore I started the supplementary lighting. as they are receiving around 12hours on the south facing window and then 12 hours under the LED. the younger seedling are responding well to the lights so I'm confused. the Frisian dew isn't getting any better perhaps even worse the newsest leaves are still drooping and very pale. the white widow is pale but not drooping.i broke my cardinal rule and repotted both into bigger drier pots of light mix which is drier. hopefully it might dry the pots out. both had very long taproots, so fingers crossed. could it be cal-mag issue?
should I btring them outside into full sumlight to try and help dry them up/give them a boost?
I think it can take a little while for the very new growth to green up, although by then there will be some more very new growth. If they still look a bit sickly in 48 hours time then get them in a greenhouse (or on a south facing window sill if not possible). I always find that plants grow a bit more naturally under real sunlight (whatever that might mean). I think there must be some that have been enjoying the fine sunshine (admittedly under glass) for about a month now.
Looks like a litter heat strees bassed on the leaf edges being a litter wrinkled. Add a little more nitrogen to the feed it will help them green up faster and photosynthesis better. Get them hardened of and planted out in the sun. A lot of older growers would cheek the temperature in a grow room on the back of their hand. A experienced grower would then inspect the leaf edges to see how the plant copes with the heat. Ho the technology as changed but the plant is still the same. Them plant's are fine and will grow out just fine still. Nettle tea is really good to get them nice and green again.
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Thanks Brock and Dr Who I fed them both yesterday with bio grow and also they're under vegetable netting in my veg garden to see if they perk up. I realise LED doesn't give them all they need but would have thought 12 hours of southward facing sun and 12 of LED would help them out. Achwell all part of the journey. I'll keep you posted. Weathers still great here so will probably try and get the younger ones in the sun more.
WW is looking perky and a bit greener Frisian dew not so much, also there's now brown splogges on its leaves? Terrible photos, just got a new phone so bare with me
Brown spots on leaves probably excessive N for young plants. I'd recommend leaving them under natural light now, it is possible to seriously confuse autos by starting them indoors under a long photoperiod, then moving them outdoors when days are still fairly short but getting longer. I suspect that your plants are too young, and that it's too late in the season for this to be a problem for you now though.

Indoor plants can be manipulated in a whole host of ways, outdoor they will pretty much do their own thing and can be left to get on with it mostly...
Can I ask how you water these? It look a little like water burn. Do you tip water over the plant when you water? Also the second plant as dropping leaves this usually happens when a plant's roots are damaged or a plant is over watered or under watered.
Water them from a bottle I may have got some water on them but I realise I shouldn't. It's not like I pour it over. IV only been watering when moist up to 2nd knuckle on my index. I find it weird the white widow is improving but the f.dew is getting worse :(
Water them from a bottle I may have got some water on them but I realise I shouldn't. It's not like I pour it over. IV only been watering when moist up to 2nd knuckle on my index. I find it weird the white widow is improving but the f.dew is getting worse :(
I would recommend you stop poking your fingers into the soil it damages roots. Use a catch tray and feed from underneath. Simply lift the pot and you will know if it's wet. Probably seem a right fussy nag now lol. Roots are very important especially with autos.