New Grower Last minute panic

Mar 9, 2015
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Hey all. I'm just getting my indoor grow ready for the off.
Today I've been cool as a cucumber, but now I'm stressing.
I've filled my pots with compost and I'm soaking my seeds for a few hours.
My main concern now is my consistency of my compost and it's moistness.
I've lightly packed it with the back of my hand and added some water.
How loose or tight should it be?
If I were to pat toilet paper to it, how damp would/sshould the toilet paper be after?
Should this all be so stressful? Lol
thanks in advance kind peeps
I like my soil nice and light and fluffy, so the roots can grow out with ease. Normally I only wet the soil once the seed is in it but not to much or the whole pot as its still a youngster!

But chill... Dont panic and let the seeds soak for a few hours then out them in damp kitchen roll and leave in a warm dark place till the tap root appears then put a small hole in the soil about 1 inch down and carefully insert tap root end first, cover with soil and water lightly.

Good luck!
i like to keep my soil loose when germing because i just push the seed under a bit and then sprinkle some soil on top then spray it with a spray bottle and that works fine for me, i like to spray from kinda high up tho cause the 2 times ever i didnt have a seed germ i sprayed to close and hard and the top compacted a bit and became more of a layer rather than just moist fluffy soil if that make sense lol i beleive they just didnt get enough oxygen that time but dont stress just keep it moist not soaking wet they germ fine in a damp paper towel so just keep it moist and youll be fine :tiphat:
Well I was gonna germ direct to soil. The reference to toilet paper was more in line with testing the dampness of soil/compost
Well I was gonna germ direct to soil. The reference to toilet paper was more in line with testing the dampness of soil/compost

i feel you man im not sure exactly how moist it should be if u pressed it against the soil id imagine it should soak a bit of water up if the soil is moist enough i just meant since people germ fine in a damp paper towel as long as the surface of the soil is moist it should be just as moist/damp underneath as a paper towel would be, most people over water so just keep that in mind :Sharing One:
Well I've just fluffed it a bit now with a fork. It's pretty damp. A bit like a tea bag after a brew if you follow?
Think I may leave it til tomorrow evening to put the seeds into the soil.
The seeds are okay in the water for around 24 hours right??
If you already added some water, this I read as the soil now being only slightly moist (the toilet paper if you will not really getting wet when pressed on the soil), I would only water lightly where the seed was planted and after that not water too often.
nvm. Too late posting ;)
And yeah, the seeds can keep in the water for that long
Cheers all much appreciated.
will fluff up soil again in the morning and place seed tomorrow evening.
Re. Seeds in water, should they sink or float??
well how large is your compost pile?and how much perlite or hulls did you add to aerate your compost mix? thats what will tell you how your drainage is.since once you water it in once its in the pots it should be just fine short of sopping wet soil it'll drain and evaporate off in the coming days,but seeds like it very long as your drainage it decent your soil shouldnt need to be fluffed at all. once you get your 1/4 inch to half inch hole.I prefer a half inch hole. you drop the soaked bean in there after its soaked from 12-24 hours and cover it completely and a spary bottle comes in habdy here and mist the top decently with a few good sprays and kept in the same conditions with the temp being fine and youll be just fine Id think.also the beans will generally float..and many (not all) will in 24 or so hours can sink.but as long as you have that soak weather they sink or not will be juust fine.thats what I do and use my own aerated mixed all the time.but i tend to run a seedling mix in a plug style of planting.thats what ive found works the best.for me anywho....