New Grower Last minute panic

I've left it as standard mix in 4 inch pots. Once they start to show leaves I'll be placing into bio mix all mix using the tier method.
Didn't think of getting perlite as I'm only doing 3 plants and the perlite is in with the bio mix soil.
did you read this?this will give you some excellent info from beginner to advanced gardener man.aeration with autos and photos too ,is key on a small level atleast. if your mix is holding a bunch of water and your having to fluff to dry it out prior to planting i personally think youll have some issues. before you plant your seeds id go buy a small bag of no nothing added perlite and add a cpl fustfulls per pot and re mix and then plant.i think youll have better results. going on the saying you have little to no aeration in your compost mix..but im only going off you saying you made your compost..meaning its a custom made composted mix or soil mix? if no areation was added during the early veg stage inless your in air pots of cloth pots maybe,youll have root degeneration issues over the few weeks and slowered growth if it dont stunt or even kill them in harder environments though.
3 plants in 4 inch pots. Will be transferring via the tier method into bio mix all mix once a few leaves have stuck their pretty lil faces out. Didn't consider perlite at this stage as included in the bio mix.

Edit... Sorry Wi Fi went down there for a bit, double post
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Gonna pick some perlite and mix some in based on your reply there eyes on fire. Thanks for your input.
I've been reading posts in too many forums, gonna just stick to here from now on. Seems there's plenty with plenty more to offer.
Once again thanks for taking the time to offer your input :cool:
Auto specific..?yeah id go nowhere else eh.its the same rules just looser guidelines is all. ok cool.yeah those articles should give you plenty of info bro.happy growing. your method sounds fine.just aeration is going to be key early can use a heavier mix is a layer if you wnat,just not early on..later dude:Sharing One:
Heavier mix? As in the bio mix? As they're in such a small pot at present I'm planning on kinda layering the mix too. Mix some compost with some of the all in for an inch or so when tier.
Well I'm off. I've mixed the perlite and dropped my seeds (northern lights) which have pretty much had a soak for 24 hours now.
They were all sunk this morning and one even had a little white poking out.
One seed is notably smaller I've noticed. Should this be of concern?
Fingers crossed that in a few days I'll have 3 little cute sprouts.
Thanks to all that have given advice over the last few weeks since I joined up.
I'll be doing a little journal in the indoor section if anybody is keen to keep an eye on how I'm keeping up with my little gems.