La Frutta Di Venus - Undiagnosed Problem

:smoking:- ...tons of choices there, and the P-K#'s can get crazy high, as will the risk of burn when using them! You've been using milder nute's so far, and a mix of both organic and synthetic (I assume?),...**Oh!- I see Overdrive, and looked it up-- 1-5-4, which will work! ...damn label changes,...:doh: ...full dosage on that, ASAP, and we'll see if it halts the progression,... otherwise, here's what I wrote before spotting it-->
{... I'd stay in the 'teen's-range for PK, just to be safe this round...maybe up to Grow More SeaGrow 4-26-26, diluted to 1/4 for starters, and can be ramped up gradually if she seems to like it... I've not tried that many of them, the SeaGrow and Hawaiian Bud (fierce!) are what I've used so far, but lots of other folks happy with GH KoolBloom 0-10-10 Liquid (not the dry form, that's hot shit at 2-45-28), which you can use together with you reg. bloom nute's (note that there's no N in Koolbloom, and a little is good to have),... BTW, what exactly are you using for bloom, the Biobizz? And the other supplements, collectively, what NPK's are going in there? Something folks tend to overlook,...small inputs from multiple sources can add up!
I threw 3mls of OD in a liter last night, along w my usual
And defoliated most of that shit off her
So fingers crossed
I appreciate your help brother @Waira
Thanks man
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All of my AN nutes are suggested for bloom phase except for the b52 i believe it reccomends that thru all weeks during the whole grow
And one other one is stated for use in all stages.....not sure which one it is at the moment....heading to work or id check for ya for sure
Il edit this this eve when i get off work (approx 13 hours from now)
And i use the iguana juice bloom w those and the mother earth bloom tea