La Frutta Di Venus - Undiagnosed Problem

Makes sense
Havent tested runoff for a while
Prob should i reckon
Water is at 6.4
Soil at 6.2 last time it was checked i believe it was........

And thank you for atleast input @Fantasy Island and @Bromeo
Both of u are appreciated
Ill check runoff when i feed again this eve later on and ill post it then...
I watch my feed/water pretty carefully tho as far as ph.......try to keep it between 6.2 and 6.6 or so
Yea.....ill keep that in mind when im feeding this eve
U think i should just do a plainwater flush on this one tonight and see how she looks in a few days?
Or what?

Do you use the A8 pen meter?

When I did soil I was phing it to 6.5 so when the soil went dry it would climb up to 7.2 so I started phing at 6.2 that way it wouldn't swing up past 7 as she dried.

You already said you flushed I wouldn't do it again.
You might want to do a foilar feed to compensate and then just go back to normal feedings with proper phd soil

But again I concede to an expert :goodluck:
:toke: Merl'-- Can you get me a nice close-up shot of a leaf? These symptoms have overlap with Ca, P, and maybe B (very rare!),... the rusty red color is common with Ca defc., and it's hitting mid-upper levels (Ca is immobile within the plant),...but the large necrotic blotches, not so much,... P defc. can do that though,...So, a close up of affected leaves is warranted! My eye's see rather rich green color, maybe a sign of borderline N toxicity, but I can't see any clawing for sure,.. is there any? I ask because too much N can mess with Ca uptake, but I'm not so sure that's in play here,.... yeah, a current pH is needed too... earlier pH is about 6.0, given your in/out pH's-- a bit low, but nowhere near lockout,...**** ..... Fantasy', and y'all- Deficiency usually happens one of 3 ways: 1) a plain lack of, not enough of a given nute; 2) pH lockout, meaning the nute' has been rendered unabsorbable because of altered chemistry (plants can only absorb things in specific forms); and least common, 3) toxicity lockout, when too much of another nute' element is around, and interferes with the uptake of others....***.... Pending the pics Merl', and from the looks of those big blotches, I'm leaning toward P defc., though, Ca is not out,... what bloom nute's are you using, dosage/frequency, NPK
#'s...? Ditto for the Ca-Mg product-- which one? I'd like to know it's % Ca/Mg analysis, and sources of, on the label.... FI is right as well about the Ca dosage thing, some plants seem to have either major hunger for it, or aren't absorbing it well for some reason,... either way, and increase in the dosage is worth a try,... and maybe a high PK bloom booster will be needed,... pic's please! :thumbsup:

Here is all the nutes i use
And i use them all according to rec dosages
Maybe bud candy gets and xtra ml per liter every other week or so
But mostly stick w recs
Runoff is 6.4
Water w feed is 6.3
I usually give maybe 500 mls in morning of a water feed mix
Then check and see how dry she is when i get home that same eve and if she isnt dried out enough she waits till next morning for feed

Im truly baffled
Can Phos. Toxicity cause this....... maybe its too much w all those nutes iono
But she did slow down in growth some (or perhaps i just was excited ab her) in my opinion.......

Here is pics of nutes and leaves

Double added a few of the leaves pics......
Thanks for your help guys
I know they wont repair
But id love to salvage whatever possible from her @Waira
Hey bro, I'm not really qualified to answer but I'm wondering if you've done a flush at some point up to now, might be good to clean her out a day. They look otherwise like healthy well-fed plants.
Thanks @MediScrogs
Yea i flushed 2 days ago and renuted after a really good flush w feed phd at 6.3
And runoff tested at 6.4 after feeding
So i hope this helps my issue
If not i have no other odea what would cause it
All my ph is ok
Not over nuting im fairly sure ab that
Heat isnt a problem and i have no issues AT ALL w pests or mites
Like i said
Im really baffled
Most things up till this ive been able to deal w and fix
But this i have no clue
She is very healthy and green and lush growth on her......iono honestly
As long as it doesnt effect the buds it doesnt really bother me
What blows my mind is i have my Berry Ryder right beside her in the same tent and she is THRIVING seems to me......i just cant seem to figure it out
...Ah-- better! I thinking it's a P defc., and pretty advanced,... don't see any of the finer spotting that Ca defc. has,... I'd still up the Ca-mg, as these aid in P uptake anyway, and demand at this stage increases,... what's needed is something with real P-K punch, and despite the armfull of goodies you have, I don't see anything there that does,... I'm talking something with double digits in the P-K %'s,... Different strains are going to have different demands, tolerances, etc.,...
Thank you @Waira
Any reccomendations on a high P product?