La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Team HQ.

She is a beauty your girl M :pass:, and agree with you, one of the nicest. The fields look so nice where they go outdoors, good site for good sun, and tall grasses act as shield, so sorry to hear the loss of one from insects. Make sure the good girl is not in that area, i guess thats the problem with outdoor grows, always the weather or bugs to deal with,. I wish i could help with the sativas, mine not sure of the strain mix, flowering end of Feb to about mid May, if La Buena says about 8-9 weeks that should be about that, unless that is indoor times, i would be think about 2 months give or take.

Thanks @smokeyfromau ! :pass:
It is a good site, lots of sunlight, but then the grasses are a natural protection.
His 8-9 weeks is for indoors, and then outdoors he says September.
That's how I figure 8-9 weeks before the end of Sept should be end of July,
then check the daylight hours in the Netherlands at end of July to see what it takes to make her switch over.

Off topic rant: :crying:
A lot of people say things like "Photoperiod plants need 12/12 to flower", but that's obviously not the case.
Otherwise, plants would only start to flower around late September.
But they don't.
Some early Indicas are already finishing late September, so they must start well before then.
I figure most plants start to flower around end of July or start of August.
So-called 8-10 week strains (indoors) finish outside around early, mid or late October.
Which is 8-10 weeks after the start of August...
They don't need 12/12 to flower, more like 14/10 or maybe 13.5/10.5 light/dark hours to flower.
End of rant. :crying:
Thanks @smokeyfromau ! :pass:
It is a good site, lots of sunlight, but then the grasses are a natural protection.
His 8-9 weeks is for indoors, and then outdoors he says September.
That's how I figure 8-9 weeks before the end of Sept should be end of July,
then check the daylight hours in the Netherlands at end of July to see what it takes to make her switch over.

Off topic rant: :crying:
A lot of people say things like "Photoperiod plants need 12/12 to flower", but that's obviously not the case.
Otherwise, plants would only start to flower around late September.
But they don't.
Some early Indicas are already finishing late September, so they must start well before then.
I figure most plants start to flower around end of July or start of August.
So-called 8-10 week strains (indoors) finish outside around early, mid or late October.
Which is 8-10 weeks after the start of August...
They don't need 12/12 to flower, more like 14/10 or maybe 13.5/10.5 light/dark hours to flower.
End of rant. :crying:
Hi SM :pass: One disadvantage of photos over autos, is the light and darkness. I am not sure my first photo grow was Blue Fire, she went showed sex week3 and flowered early, so there wasnt much vege. I had better luck with the other photo girls but it took much longer around 6 months almost.

Most of the breeders are still based in the Netherlands so thats a good idea to check their day light hours, for that is the times they mention on their websites. I am thinking a set time for the girls like 7 am to 5pm and then darkness, not sure yet, the 12/12 is good, maybe the 14/10 or longer is better. It will be in June i am thinking or start of July
Hi SM :pass: One disadvantage of photos over autos, is the light and darkness. I am not sure my first photo grow was Blue Fire, she went showed sex week3 and flowered early, so there wasnt much vege. I had better luck with the other photo girls but it took much longer around 6 months almost.

True, that is one advantage about autos, daylight hours not an issue!

Most of the breeders are still based in the Netherlands so thats a good idea to check their day light hours, for that is the times they mention on their websites. I am thinking a set time for the girls like 7 am to 5pm and then darkness, not sure yet, the 12/12 is good, maybe the 14/10 or longer is better. It will be in June i am thinking or start of July

You're doing light-dep, right? So setting it up for a winter grow of photo period plants?
If you can control the light hours, I would just go straight for 12/12, for flowering.
And keep above 14/10 for veg, though it doesn't need strong light to keep them "awake" so to speak.
Trying 10/14 for flowering would force them to flower faster, but then would reduce the amount of light they get.
Have been reading about DLI "daily light integral" recently.
It is a combination of length of time getting light as well as light intensity.
E.g. full strength light for 12 hrs gives the same DLI as have strength light for 24 hrs (strength measured in umol/2 PAR).
But this would give same DLI, but for photos, obviously, the 12/12 will make them flower, 24/0 won't.

Just make sure they aren't getting more light than 13/11 I would say.
I don't know how well you can control the time.
Are you covering them in the early evening, then removing the covers once it gets fully dark?
Doing it manually every day?

Or are you supplementing them with more light now, so they think it's summer?
And then when you want to flower, just letting them get natural, less than 12/12, light hours?
True, that is one advantage about autos, daylight hours not an issue!

You're doing light-dep, right? So setting it up for a winter grow of photo period plants?
If you can control the light hours, I would just go straight for 12/12, for flowering.
And keep above 14/10 for veg, though it doesn't need strong light to keep them "awake" so to speak.
Trying 10/14 for flowering would force them to flower faster, but then would reduce the amount of light they get.
Have been reading about DLI "daily light integral" recently.
It is a combination of length of time getting light as well as light intensity.
E.g. full strength light for 12 hrs gives the same DLI as have strength light for 24 hrs (strength measured in umol/2 PAR).
But this would give same DLI, but for photos, obviously, the 12/12 will make them flower, 24/0 won't.

Just make sure they aren't getting more light than 13/11 I would say.
I don't know how well you can control the time.
Are you covering them in the early evening, then removing the covers once it gets fully dark?
Doing it manually every day?

Or are you supplementing them with more light now, so they think it's summer?
And then when you want to flower, just letting them get natural, less than 12/12, light hours?
Thank you M for help :pass:
Autos dont yield like a photo either.
Yes since its winter i cant do the natural lighting, so i have to use light dep, since June 20 is the shortest day of the year, each day after that would very gradually increase, which might not be good when going to bloom? So ligth dep is what i thought to use.

12/12 to bloom, so that would be leaving them to natural light and to bed or a set time due to hours increasing near the end of their bloom. Even a normal light would keep them awake or single T5 light (not super strong - only a suppliment light)

10hour light/14 sleep would make them flower sooner? not stress the plant

I have to look that up about DLI. ( in terms of light, the dusk and dawn light would be included). I first heard of the umol when i saw Bruce Bugsbee video, a uni lecturer for cannabis at Utah- GTG told me about him.

Currently they are running on the 4/20 4hours sleep and 20 hours light ( remember T5s not the most powerful light) They would be getting less than 12 hours light now i think if left out, sun is gone by 6pm, ligth at 6pm but the sun isnt in the valley till 7pm.

Its kind of confusing but i once i get it right it might be more photos over autos for me

edit ------- haha i am going a bit blind, missed your question, though i think i covered it
Are you covering them in the early evening, then removing the covers once it gets fully dark?
Now they have lights during the night, so in the morning they are covered with lights and fan on, then go out and then around 4 -430 i take them home to the tarp and they get darkness for 4 hours, though in bloom maybe cover in morning and nigth?>
Doing it manually every day?
Last edited:
Thank you M for help :pass:
Autos dont yield like a photo either.
Yes since its winter i cant do the natural lighting, so i have to use light dep, since June 20 is the shortest day of the year, each day after that would very gradually increase, which might not be good when going to bloom? So ligth dep is what i thought to use.

12/12 to bloom, so that would be leaving them to natural light and to bed or a set time due to hours increasing near the end of their bloom. Even a normal light would keep them awake or single T5 light (not super strong - only a suppliment light)

10hour light/14 sleep would make them flower sooner? not stress the plant

I have to look that up about DLI. ( in terms of light, the dusk and dawn light would be included). I first heard of the umol when i saw Bruce Bugsbee video, a uni lecturer for cannabis at Utah- GTG told me about him.

Currently they are running on the 4/20 4hours sleep and 20 hours light ( remember T5s not the most powerful light) They would be getting less than 12 hours light now i think if left out, sun is gone by 6pm, ligth at 6pm but the sun isnt in the valley till 7pm.

Its kind of confusing but i once i get it right it might be more photos over autos for me

Trolmaster makes a DLI meter that controls lights and measures output based on user set parameters.
Your right about the light period to flower though it does vary among strains. It has been shown however that some of those that flower in a 14/10 schedule will flower faster under 12/12. it's worth experimenting with though!

Thanks @smokeyfromau ! :pass:
It is a good site, lots of sunlight, but then the grasses are a natural protection.
His 8-9 weeks is for indoors, and then outdoors he says September.
That's how I figure 8-9 weeks before the end of Sept should be end of July,
then check the daylight hours in the Netherlands at end of July to see what it takes to make her switch over.

Off topic rant: :crying:
A lot of people say things like "Photoperiod plants need 12/12 to flower", but that's obviously not the case.
Otherwise, plants would only start to flower around late September.
But they don't.
Some early Indicas are already finishing late September, so they must start well before then.
I figure most plants start to flower around end of July or start of August.
So-called 8-10 week strains (indoors) finish outside around early, mid or late October.
Which is 8-10 weeks after the start of August...
They don't need 12/12 to flower, more like 14/10 or maybe 13.5/10.5 light/dark hours to flower.
End of rant. :crying:

Trolmaster makes a DLI meter that controls lights and measures output based on user set parameters.

Thanks FTF Damien :pass: For the link, lol cool name Trolmaster
Your right about the light period to flower though it does vary among strains. It has been shown however that some of those that flower in a 14/10 schedule will flower faster under 12/12. it's worth experimenting with though!
Thanks Pop22 :pass: 12/12 you are thinking
Some pics. Need to say what's what. I think you regulars know quite well already.
Weather is absolutely beautiful for growing, if not rather hot, maybe 35C-36C.
I will need to keep an eye on watering though, if it keeps up like this without rain.
That's why I went out to see them today.
There are worse problems that I could have!!!

The older girl, twin towers, rising up through the undergrowth.
20200618 LBH Selection (2).jpg

20200618 LBH Selection (3).jpg


And the new arrival, looking so much shorter and stockier, but happy in the great outdoors!
20200618 LBH Selection (1).jpg


Love y'all!