La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Team HQ.

I looked over LBH's strains. I'd love to order but i'm not sure I want to order through regular mail. Wish he had fedex or even DHL
( whom I despise, worst delivery company ever ). going to have to think about this. I'd like to try his Kabul Kush!

I talked to him, threw in a few more $ for him to do a "stealth" shipment.
Came through just fine. Seems he's open to other ways.
Thanks for stopping by!
I love seeing your outdoor grows! Wish I could! But I'm thankful for what I can get away with in my greenhouse!

I talked to him, threw in a few more $ for him to do a "stealth" shipment.
Came through just fine. Seems he's open to other ways.
Thanks for stopping by!
:bighug:Hi Missy! ...great to see you back to your ninja-grow MO :eyebrows:.... LBH is loaded with fantastic stuff, auto and photo! ...I just wish he'd do some fem's, and I have begged and begged... He said he's doing some a while back, but no news about what or when- :dammit:
Its second set of leaves has a bit of a curl to it, maybe very early signs of low Ca. (? @Waira )
I will use more fine dolomite lime when I repot them up.
Hmmm, maybe, it's not distinct enough to be diagnostic, but coco is a Ca hog, binding it up and keeps it from the plant until it's CEC bitchiness is sated! The problem with dolomite is it's slow release, and if you have nothing around to help chelate the freed Ca++ ions (like humic-fulvic, amino's), they may very well get bound up into something else and rendered unavailable...
:bighug:Hi Missy! ...great to see you back to your ninja-grow MO :eyebrows:.... LBH is loaded with fantastic stuff, auto and photo! ...I just wish he'd do some fem's, and I have begged and begged... He said he's doing some a while back, but no news about what or when- :dammit:

Hmmm, maybe, it's not distinct enough to be diagnostic, but coco is a Ca hog, binding it up and keeps it from the plant until it's CEC bitchiness is sated! The problem with dolomite is it's slow release, and if you have nothing around to help chelate the freed Ca++ ions (like humic-fulvic, amino's), they may very well get bound up into something else and rendered unavailable...

Hey daddy @Waira !

Still waiting for your LBH fems, huh? I guess he's on full grow-mode right now, haven't seen him around for a while.

That leaf curl is minor, and hasn't continued. I know coco is a Ca / cation hog.
This is cheap coco bricks, brought locally, but actually from Sri Lanka.
It's still the best quality I can get here, with lowest EC and stable pH.
I flush the hell out of it when I re-hydrate, using cloth bags.
Then give a 24 hr buffer soak with high Ca/Mg hydro A+B (Peters/Jacks) solution at around 1000 ppm.
That's 1000 ppm total, I figure around 300 ppm of that is Ca/Mg.
Then flush that all out, too. This time I added a bit of fine dolomite lime to this buffering solution.

Now, when I'm mixing this up for outdoors, with low pH rainwater -- down to 5.3,
I'm also adding in the fine dolomite lime, and have high Ca chicken poop fertilizer.
Also have some kelp meal / powder in there, which provides aminos, maybe help chelate the Ca++/Mg++??

Maybe I will just have to spend the money for some better Ca/Mg source, as I want to continue using this coco.
Hey daddy @Waira !

Still waiting for your LBH fems, huh? I guess he's on full grow-mode right now, haven't seen him around for a while.

That leaf curl is minor, and hasn't continued. I know coco is a Ca / cation hog.
This is cheap coco bricks, brought locally, but actually from Sri Lanka.
It's still the best quality I can get here, with lowest EC and stable pH.
I flush the hell out of it when I re-hydrate, using cloth bags.
Then give a 24 hr buffer soak with high Ca/Mg hydro A+B (Peters/Jacks) solution at around 1000 ppm.
That's 1000 ppm total, I figure around 300 ppm of that is Ca/Mg.
Then flush that all out, too. This time I added a bit of fine dolomite lime to this buffering solution.

Now, when I'm mixing this up for outdoors, with low pH rainwater -- down to 5.3,
I'm also adding in the fine dolomite lime, and have high Ca chicken poop fertilizer.
Also have some kelp meal / powder in there, which provides aminos, maybe help chelate the Ca++/Mg++??

Maybe I will just have to spend the money for some better Ca/Mg source, as I want to continue using this coco.
How bout gypsum for CA and Epsom for Mg?
:pass: Hi SM , plants are looking great, what i do with little plants, i turn up a pot and elevate them to the light, to join their sisters. Good you have found space to get sun, sounds like the weekends your area comes alive with people. I lazy, but finally getting the big vege garden done, lol i found some bag seeds so just for an experiement put them in the garden lol. I wonder where the cheap coco bricks from Bunnings came from, maybe overseas also.
Hey daddy @Waira !

Still waiting for your LBH fems, huh? I guess he's on full grow-mode right now, haven't seen him around for a while.

That leaf curl is minor, and hasn't continued. I know coco is a Ca / cation hog.
This is cheap coco bricks, brought locally, but actually from Sri Lanka.
It's still the best quality I can get here, with lowest EC and stable pH.
I flush the hell out of it when I re-hydrate, using cloth bags.
Then give a 24 hr buffer soak with high Ca/Mg hydro A+B (Peters/Jacks) solution at around 1000 ppm.
That's 1000 ppm total, I figure around 300 ppm of that is Ca/Mg.
Then flush that all out, too. This time I added a bit of fine dolomite lime to this buffering solution.

Now, when I'm mixing this up for outdoors, with low pH rainwater -- down to 5.3,
I'm also adding in the fine dolomite lime, and have high Ca chicken poop fertilizer.
Also have some kelp meal / powder in there, which provides aminos, maybe help chelate the Ca++/Mg++??

Maybe I will just have to spend the money for some better Ca/Mg source, as I want to continue using this coco.
.... you mean Phat Daddy Dubbs! :pimp: :crying:

Roger that on the coco luv, I wasn't sure you had been put through the coco-ringer yet... :deadhorse: ... it is a great choice for your conditions! And you are doing the best you can do beating the proper CEC back into it... :thumbsup: ...I like my soil too much to bugger with it!
With the low pH water (wow, rain water at that pH, lots of CO2 interaction there), even as a weak (chemical state) of acidity, the dolomite is a smart choice for longer term buffering of both pH and CEC... If it's working, no symptoms, then stay the course!
I'm not quite sure about the kelp's amino content being enough, or the right type(s) of amino's, a good thing to research a bit! Humic-fulvic is the better choice for all else it does for mediums besides chelation. Humic is less soluble so it'll stick around to do good works where fulvic may be washed away faster... I figure sourcing my be difficult? If you can find a dry version, you're golden; usually very concentrated so a little goes a long way....
How bout gypsum for CA and Epsom for Mg?

Still rather dolomite lime than gypsum, and epsom salts are remarkably hard to find here (weird!)

I don't think it'll be a big issue. The coco was buffered (same method as many times in the past).
It's not sources, that I have, it's getting it matched with the pH in that acidic rainwater once outside!!!
:pass: Hi SM , plants are looking great, what i do with little plants, i turn up a pot and elevate them to the light, to join their sisters. Good you have found space to get sun, sounds like the weekends your area comes alive with people. I lazy, but finally getting the big vege garden done, lol i found some bag seeds so just for an experiement put them in the garden lol. I wonder where the cheap coco bricks from Bunnings came from, maybe overseas also.

I'll repot them up to the 7L soon, which will also get them closer to the lights.
Thinking I may top these ones and leave inside for a little bit longer before going out.
Finding a good time to plant out is not so easy.

Not just people, I am literally in the city, a city with several million people...

I think for a big outdoor vege garden, a large brick of coco worked in could be helpful.
Where I buy, online, I look out for two things: the EC and the pH, of the coco.
The low EC indicates that at least it's been rinsed well, but doesn't necessarily mean it's been buffered for ++.

Probably come from Sri Lanka or Phillipines, but in Aus... Queensland? Maybe, but doubt it.