great to see you and your growing again,,,la gaslonia is a great smoke,,,
Awesome. Though I have no idea what actual strains each pot is.
I just numbered pots 1, 2 and 3 for my reference.
If they make it to full flower, fragrance and time may help me ascertain what's what.
This is a difficult grow, keeping it secret even at home.
Have to get them out before they show what kind of herb they are... haha.
And no idea how they'll go outside, coz it's in a location with local people growing by the river side.
My best hope is that they think it's just some weed, but not annoying enough for them to cut / pull.
And have to find a nice site where they get sun, not too dry, but not among their veges...
And... around here, I've read news that sometimes if they find plants, they put up cameras....
So can't visit much at all, and will have to devise a way to cut down and dry outside.
Because if they suspect someone local, the law already probably has my number...
That's if they make it that far...
Why do I do this?
Just one nice girl to harvest would great.
Two girls, and a nice boy to dust a single branch on each of the ladies, even better...