La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Team HQ.

Day 8 (I think)
Popping out the second set of 3-pointer true leaves.
20200229 LBH Selection.jpg

The No. 1s and No. 3s (back left and right) are looking great, the No. 2s (front) not so much.
Maybe the mix they're in -- my own buffered coco coir plus organic amendments,
some of the amendments are pellets, not powders, so may not mix in well.
If those germing seeds hit a pellet they may not like it. Possible reason.

On the left those true leaves are long and pointy, maybe it's the Thai or the Jack??
And on the right more blunt and wide, maybe the Gasolina or Jack?
Who knows?!?! That's why I gotta grow them out to see! @La Buena Hierba -- any thoughts??

Starting to show roots at the bottom of these tiny pots, maybe just 200 ml pots.
Stems are good, hasn't been too hot, had air flow and light is good.
Otherwise I sometimes get my baby seedlings flopping around a bit,
which is not good if they are going outside very soon. But no problems this round.

In between the seeds in each pot is some cilantro, just for fun.

Planning on putting them out soon. Forecast for some possible rain and cooler weather early next week.
May be a good time, so they don't get hit by the hot sun. This time of year already getting up to 28C / 29C!
Even if it's cooler, maybe down to 15C, they'll slow down for a day or two, but not cold enough to hurt them.
Just timing the plant out is important. Occasion to go to the site, low traffic in the area, stuff like that.
Maybe try sooner rather than later, in case it doesn't work out, can go again.
Need to get them out of the house at this point before someone notices........
Well since I do not have a thread going I guess I will drop some photos here. Fusion Haze babies breaking soil.

Any updates there @AJrexxx ? Your babies are just a few days ahead of mine?
How many days did your Blazing Haze take to show sex and finish up?
I was looking at your posts here, and figured 25 days to pistils and 9 weeks total (????)

wont mistake this ones smell,, a gentle finger hug gives intense fruity petrol scent, mine turned quire red in the flower with lots bright orange hairs,,a lovely girl,,, stay safe :bighug:

You've run the Gasolina before??
How many days until showing sex, and how many total until harvest?
Oh, and same question for your Kushie girls!

I'm asking you both because once I plant out I don't want to visit the site until I think they have sexed.
Then I can pull the males and maybe top dress, then leave them until near harvest.
The less often I go to the site the better in this case.............
Any updates there @AJrexxx ? Your babies are just a few days ahead of mine?
How many days did your Blazing Haze take to show sex and finish up?
I was looking at your posts here, and figured 25 days to pistils and 9 weeks total (????)

You've run the Gasolina before??
How many days until showing sex, and how many total until harvest?
Oh, and same question for your Kushie girls!

I'm asking you both because once I plant out I don't want to visit the site until I think they have sexed.
Then I can pull the males and maybe top dress, then leave them until near harvest.
The less often I go to the site the better in this case.............
I will drop some new pictures shortly. Yeah about 20ish days pistils showed she finished in 9 weeks and I could of chopped a bit earlier to be honest. Need to drop some more, smoked it all already.
I will drop some new pictures shortly. Yeah about 20ish days pistils showed she finished in 9 weeks and I could of chopped a bit earlier to be honest. Need to drop some more, smoked it all already.

Muchas gracias amigo!
Can't wait to see your pics, love to compare (not compete, just compare, learn from each other).

I'm at day ... 11 today, and the 4th set of true leaves just poking out.
Plant out in like a couple of hours, haha!

With your info plus Hairy's, will plan to check on them at about day... 25-30.
Should be plenty of time, they'll be outdoors, so maybe a bit slower.

Nervous for plant out. Wish me good fortune, grow buddies!
Hope the plant-out goes smoothly, careful out there :cool1:
Good luck. I doubt you will need it though.

Thanks @Jraven and @AJrexxx -- all went well.
Very little foot traffic, so in and out pretty quick.
Now some cooler weather and hopefully some rain.
Then just a nice constant rain every few days to keep them going between any visits.
Local climate data indicates March shouldn't be a problem.

Mummy worries.... :P