La Buena Hierba "La Buena Hierba Seeds" test by Balarama

Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hello dear AFN people,
outdoor growing season is on full power mode on the N hemisphere, finally got some time to let you know how things are going in my part of the woods.

This year I have a chance to test for LaBuenaHierba and grow two varieties of his test seeds for season 2015.
The testers are labeled [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#12[/HASHTAG] and were sprouted at the same time in late mid-may, so almost two months ago.
They were startad indoors for good 3 weeks and transplanted in a spot with 5 hours of direct sunlight, last year soil with added pelletted compost, guano, perlite, zeolite and mycos.
As LBH seeds are not feminised I had to select for females and got me 3 auto and 4 semi-auto plants for the gorilla spot which is perfect:)

Here are some pictures of the grow progress so far, two months of life for these plants.

At transplant

Two weeks in

A bit of AF bending


AF start to flowering

AFs yesterday

The weather is very hot and dry, I'm hoping for some short rains for easing the heat wave, drought's been on for three months now and the plants feel it. They seem to cope with heat very well.

Well this was a short review of what's going on lately, updates will come spontaneously by the way in the near future. I think I should spray them again with something against mites soon.

Take care

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Semi-autoflowers, two of them
SAF right 16jul lbh.jpg

I feel they would like a bit more space, flowering will start soon.
I did just a bit of lst and plan to do more, to give them the space they need.
Not too much lst as I like to see the natural grow pattern in this place and compare ot to others I had before.
Pruned some low branches a couple weeks ago, to focus the growth on the more exposed ones.

The wall is a perfect wind protection as here there are usually very strong winds in autumn. I hope the weather remains fairly dry in fall to avoid molds and other fungus that usually appear.
Heat wave persists, now it's 35°C in shade and it will go on for a week more. Later temps should drop and hopefully some rains will come.

I did some imagination game based on pictures of my previous plants and these look very good and vigorous, I could easily expect 120-200 grams from any semi-auto here and some 20-40g from autos, which is really more than I need:smokeit:
But only if caterpillars steer away from here and go feed somewhere else!
Those damn 'pillars, I've already had to pull a few buds this year because of them, tiny little bastards right now.... Hope they aren't too bad for you this year!
Mid/late july update!

It's been 67 days since seeds sprouted and the girls are looking gorgeous, autoflowers are nicely packing up the resin and calyxes, they are starting to smell a bit more and developing new aromas.
Semi-autos are in preflower phase, spotted hairs on all 4 of them, so ladies are finally confirmed.

Autoflower "Auto Blueruder Haze X LBH Early Haze", two phenos with different but complementary smells. One is more lemony, the other more berry-ish.

Lemony-haze LBH AF
AF 23jul15.jpg

Berry-haze pheno LBH AF
AF2 23jul15.jpg

The semi-autos are still growing, getting nice medium sized plants with big potential.
The tallest on the left got supercropped, to see how she responds.

SAF left 23jul15.jpg

SAF right 23jul15.jpg

There will probably be another update in july, as heat calms down and rains come after a long time, the plants will surely love it. Can't wait for SAF's to start flowering and to smell the more developed AFs resin. Yummy!

The autoflowering girls(testers #12) are fattening up, the bud structures are amazing - clustery and have a very fine fresh/berryish smell.
Building some mass and calyxes are pretty big and very resinous.

So far the best smelling and looking autos in my experience:)

Tester #12
AF1 6aug15.jpg

Bud - a closer look
AF2 budstruct 6aug15.jpg

Semi-autos started to flower properly except for the biggest one which I supercropped last time. It became obviaous the delay flowering supercropping produces at this stage. I think I should do it earlier in growth but having planted so close to one another, I can't afford too much bushy structure because of overgrowing. Maybe next season with another kind of spacing.

My favorite one
SAF non beer right fav 6aug15.jpg

Today and yesterday there were 36°C in the shadow, and still the plants don't seem to care. People say photosynthesis stops at above 30, well not with my plants:)
Next 10 days will be also hell-ish with maybe some unexpected heat storms, so I expect strong flowering from all plants, AFs and SAFs.

Time to go on the beach
Looks great. I like that LBH focused on breeding hazes since that's such a unique line of genetics, and often difficult to grow. Those are cool plants. I really liked the Tutti Frutti that I got to try some years back.

Keep up the good stuff :thumbsup:
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