La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Seeds Grow N Show of 2021

La Buena Hierba

I hope I'm still dancing on harvest day!


La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem #1 DAY8

La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem #2 DAY8

Check the link in my sig for more info!
:greenthumb::cooldance::greenthumb:Looking great guys!

...Bill snags the brass ring on starting outside- :d5: ....... My ChemSDHz is above soil and working on her first set of leaves, so I'm a couple weeks behind you yet...

Oh, you're the bugger that snatched my missing grey fabric 10gal pot? :rofl: ...right down to the BDSM safety pins!
Regular Sunday update


La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem #1 DAY14


La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem #2 15 gal DAY 14

All girls got a watering of Humic acid, amino acid and Yucca. EB girls only got about a quart each to avoid water going into the rez.
All open pot girls got a 1/4 cup of BAS Craft blend and twp solo cups of EWC. They all received a good layer of Timothy hay.
I didn't get to drape the Panda film over the EarthBoxes to help keep the media cooler. I really doubt if the worms survived, unless they went down as low as they could in the media. I'll keep lightly top watering/feeding until they are drinking at least a half-gallon a day. At that time, I'll add humic acid to the water going in the rez. I don't think the humic acid will cause any problems for the time it will be there.

I'm cautious of adding the amino acids to the rez. I'd appreciate any input on that.

Once the EB girls are hopefully thriving and drinking heavily, I'll wait one day after the rez is dry and then add no more than a 1/4 cup of Craft blend and compost. That will be sprayed with the humic acid water. Alternating the Craft blend/compost and amino acids a week apart.

As always, input to this newb is appreciated!
Day 21

Panama Haze and Asian Haze are a little deficient. I'd thought the transplant would last a little longer. Apparently not. Weirdly, Diesel Deluxe is doing exceptionally well. So good, she's outgrowing plants 2 weeks older lol.

Panama Haze

Asian Haze

Diesel Deluxe looking fabulous.

Group shot
Panama Haze and Asian Haze are a little deficient. I'd thought the transplant would last a little longer. Apparently not. Weirdly, Diesel Deluxe is doing exceptionally well. So good, she's outgrowing plants 2 weeks older lol.
They all look solid to me, but the DDlx is definitely throwing elbows! :vibe:
Hazes tend to lighter colors, it may be that these aren't off much if at all...
Great info. Will take note. Thank you Sir!
:pass: Cheers bake'! .... I'll see if I remember to snag a couple pics of classic Hazes and landrace Sati's from the other forum I'm on... that place is loaded with disciples of the NLD's! Some of the leaves are amazing, 10" across but the finger width that's about 1/2"... nothing but bones practically!
Many I see are light colored....

:d5: SOOT my man, thank you muchly for doing a multi-run of LBH's gear, this is going to be a nice bonus for everybody!
I'm super keen on the GPHz, which I would have run if not for the fact that I've not run anything ChemD/SD before, so "new" takes the spot... But GPF1FV is one of my all-time fav's, very worthy of a run herself by you someday. Awesome sweet exotic fruity aroma-- lychee, Kaffir lime notes... and so dense and gummy with resin!
AHz is also a very interesting mix, next year I may try to run both? might be a tough call depending on what else he cranks out this year - :smoking:

Pic day is tomorrow, so I'll drop my CSDHz seedling pic in then,... she's still a tent baby yet!
Day 27

Flipped Diesel Deluxe few days ago. She's getting too big. Biggest plant by far. Sorry for the pic under COBs.

Panama Haze has just been flipped yesterday. Getting too tall to continue vegging imo.

Asian Haze is the only one left in veg. Growing like a smaller Diesel Deluxe. Should be another week before I flip her.

Group shot of current flower tent