Outdoor La Buena Hierba outdoors

Chop chop,
I made an unexpected visit in this chaotic weather and I found the two AF plants bent to the ground, too top-heavy apparently:)
One(the one I tested the early bud) was getting totally yellow, most fans were dead so I decided it's time to harvest her.
The other two are tied a bit harder now and are about to fade soon, I think end of this week or next week the second one will be done while the third is still a week behind.

Here's a picture of the finished one:
AF finished 18aug.jpg

The other almost done:
AF1 18aug soon.jpg

The semi-autos are blooming at different rates, the two on the right are faster and will soon need some support, the two on the left are slower, seem to be pheno related.
Today I added a bit of high P guano top feed, expecting some heavy rains tomorrow to flush the P in the ground for even more flowers.

SAF beauty1 18aug.jpg

A flower from the other S-AF plant
SAF flower 18aug.jpg

The garden looks fantastic this year, even with the drought it all goes well and I must say it's my best grow so far.
I got 2 photoperiod plants, one fem and one reg, seems to me both are females:)
Trained them a bit with some supercropping, now there's more space available because of one harvested AF.

Nice gardening Balarama. I have some 1.8 meters SAF, similar appearance at the moment. It's awesome to have plants that can bud in early and warmer weather. I don't do soil amendments any more, i just put a litre of horse dung under every plant. it guarantees a 6'plant. my ones had a difficult time with the weather... they almost all stopped growing for 2 months while the weather was too hot and i could only water them like 10 litres each every 2 weeks, in one plot i had 6'plants that lost all their leaves that were 12" from tip to step, and just left tufts at the top. last year i had issues with super auto's and mould, had to bring them in early, planting in april and hot hot weather definately helps them bud early. looking forwards to seeing the crop.
Thanks for sharing your experience hedgeraider, sorry to hear about heat stress.
I expected some stress on my plants but happily they took it without problems, no veg slowing or whatever. Same applies to AF, I must say it was a pleasant surprise to find them always happy growing and budding.
I still have a hard time accepting the AF grow is going to end soon, it all went by so fast and in no time the s-afs will also be near ripening.

Rains are still here and from tomorrow on there will be very few clouds and rains for the rest of the month, maybe even further into september.
The whole point of s-af to me is getting as much sunlight as possible - for budding. Usually autumn time has way less sunlight and lower temps. I know normal photoperiods can put out very good results, but with them there's always some chance to go very bad because of long cloudy and damp periods in october.

That's why I'm growing a kind of perpetual harvest mode, mostly to avoid autumn shit-weather and try as much variety as possible for gathering knowledge on plant development in my area. I mean, it's very nice to have blueberry, haze, nepal, congo, affie and zamal genes on two square meters and harvesting them from august to november:)
I'm having a dilemma if go harvest tomorrow or wait until the end of the week. Next two days will be very rainy with high rel.humidity, so my cautious part wants to chop now, the other wants to let them go for some more days.
Yield is no concern for me, so a gram or two less is no fuss at all, I guess LBH's advice of 15-17 weeks would be to follow indoors or in absolutely good conditions, but from experience I rather try to avoid possibility of mold.
Last pictures were taken 6 days ago and the plant looks almost done to me, no signs of more white stigmas growing but fan leaves were still green, not yellow.

I guess I gotta sleep over it, after all the development so far was quick and probably the plant is finished. More rain would not help in any way at this point. Maybe I'm just making up excuses to go chop asap:)
Hey balarama, are you talking about the second pic from your last update? They look pretty close and you don't like the couch lock if I remember correctly so I'd chop. But it's your call brotha. Those semis, how much time you figure you have left? Mine need another 4-5 weeks. One will be done earlier.

Have you seen or heard of other LBH test grows on other forums other than icmag? I'd like to compare my test strains with others but can't find any.
Heya DV,
you remember correctly, me no like couch potato:)
I'll probably chop tomorrow, it's a shame LBH doesn't jump in more frequently for some more advice. Anyway the plant looks good enough to me, also the smoke effect is already good from the first chopped af tester.
There probably won't be so heavy rains, just some storms but the heavy top cola from last time doesn't allow me to sleep well lately.
The semis I don't know really, two are fast and will take at least 5-6 more weeks to full ripeness, the other two are slower and different structure so who knows.
Hard to find the testers threads around, seems to me here and on ic we're the only few to test and post the progress. I thought there would be around 10 testers, obviously not.
I'd also like to compare growth and characteristics, most I could find were some Guerilla Gold and Eirdbei pictures but also those are pretty rare and hard to compare to my plants(tester #6).

So far it's been a very good experience with LBH's seeds and the best part is still coming:)
Like the latest pics. A real haze strain isn't going to be the easiest thing to grow or look chunky like indicas, of course. I like the look here, but the proof is in the smokey treats.

Enjoying the show here, looking forward to the testing of the testers...:bong:
Today - second harvest of an AF plant, the prettiest #12 tester is down.

As I feared the plant was too top-heavy and despite being tied it fell on the wet ground probably during one of the many storms in the last week. The cola got some minor mold, probably around 2-3 grams are lost, which is not much really. The molding was very localized, did not spread much and I think the main starter of rot/mold were insects. Found some flies and their poo sticked in the center of the moldy part:)
Otherwise the plant could still go on for a week but already developed a very nice all-around smell which tells me it was good enough to harvest. It smells of sweet lemony bubblegum, so lovely:)
There were around 5% white stigmas, others were dead for good and trich coverage is like glass dust on the buds.

Tester #12 bud at harvest
AF1 bud1 hd 27aug.jpg

There is only one AF tester still blooming, the plan is to take her down in 10-20 days, weather depending. I want to try letting her ripe for good if there will be enough sunlight and no rains.
The forecast says at least 8 days of sunny weather with temps around 28°C which is perfect, also the semi-autos will benefit a lot from in this time.

They are looking very good, here's the favorite one flowering fast:
SAF fav 27aug.jpg

A budd from on plant #4
SAF bud1 27aug.jpg

I won't add anything in the soil now, there is enough of everything for the plants to finish, even the water won't be needed anymore, the storms soaked it pretty well.
The photoperiods are doing great and will give me some extra variety of bud if all goes well:)

Last AF update!

Yesterday I had in plan to visit the girls, see how they do and drop some pollen on them. Instead the rain started before I woke up so all was very wet and the pollen had to remain unused.
So there was not much left to do but to cut the last tester #12, she was nicely faded and started to mold a bit in some spots.
Not much was lost but a careful inspection was of course needed to prevent the spread of mold during drying. The loss is pretty much the same as the af2 that was cut last week, around 2 grams, very little but still something.

The plant's last photo before harvest:

LBH last AF 2sept15.jpg

She was a fighter since her early days, mite damage was visible in leaf shapes and spots, she had lowered resistence so I expected some molding in the wet period.
Hard to talk about yields as I don't usually waigh the buds, but I think it's close to 50g off all three autos, so between 15-20g per plant. Not impressive but the product is very very good:)
The plant on the left started to overgrow the af, it's a photoperiod(strain Cognition) I put out for testing purposes. Lush growth and looks very healthy.

The semi-autos are colossal, getting fat at steady rate and I like it. They got just a bit of support they may want to lay down if hard rains hit them.
Here's a view on them:

LBH Semis 2sept15.jpg

My fav is killing me with the looks, what a nice plant she is- in the middle:)

On the left the late semi-auto behaving like a photo, still stretching and is now huge, around 2,5m tall and I doubt she will finish good. We'll see in two months.

Semi-auto bud:

LBH Semi bud2 2sept15.jpg

Now all we need is another month of very sunny weather and all will be fine:)

To wishful thinking... Cheers!