Outdoor La Buena Hierba outdoors

Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hey fellow outdoor growers
I'm doing a test grow of La Buena Hierba seeds, they are regular autoflowering and semi-autofowering varieties, labeled as

"semi-auto GuerrillaGold X Eribei X AutoHaze2" and "auto blueruder haze X LBH early haze"

These are not commercially available, some other of his strains are available for sale on seedbay. These are testers for 2015 season and are a work in progress I guess.

The plants are in my now usual gorilla spot, in organically amended soil and 5 hours of sunlight.

Around two months from seed:

AutoFlowers "auto blueruder haze X LBH early haze"

AF bud3 16jul lbh.jpg

AF bud2 16jul lbh.jpg

SAF left 16jul lbh.jpg

The autoflowering plant in the last picture was heavily attacked my mites and is now recovering.
Hopefully the semi autos will start flowering soon enough to finish strong in september.

More to come in the next weeks, also check my thread in "Independent seed breeders - LBH seeds" section for more details and pictures.

A good season to all outdoor growers

Thanks guys,
the mites attack was an isolated infestation, now they seem to spread slightly around on other plants, I think it's nothing serious. Another spraying should stun them enough not to damage the plant in a significant amount.
I worry more about caterpillars, there's a bush nearby totally full of them and the last thing I want is them to migrate on my plants. That would be game over.
However, I stick to the "don't panic" rule and just let the plants do their purpose, fill up some nice buds and resin:)

DV, what's the #5 tester lineage?

Cheers Maffro, good luck to you too!
Yeah, there definitely is huge potential in semi auto sativas in my opinion, the unhybridised so-called sativa varieties take so long to flower properly, I instantly felt LaBuenaHierba(and also Stitch) is on the right path to deliver a good compromise for us who want tropical flowers on higher latitudes. Summers deliver enough sunlight, just the flowering should be started way earlier compared to the originals. The auto genes can do that and thanks guys for taking this route, you make me a happier/hippier man:)

DarthVapour, so it seems to be Viking x HM x eDB, a nice sturdy hybrid combination this should be. The highland mexican makes me drool just hearing that name:) There doesn't seem to be a lot of HM in this hybrid, maybe more in the effect.
I'll wait patiently for your smoke report and pictures:)

Take care my gorilla bros
Update time,
the two autos are definitely different phenos, the third one is difficult to say because of damaged leaves.
One is more lemony, the other more berry smelling and have a different calyx/stigma structure and growth pattern. The main difference is in terpene production resulting in distinct and complementary smell of resin glands.
There's nothing sweeter than fresh resin under the nose!

Two phenos
AF1top 23jul15.jpg

AF2 23jul15.jpg

Semi-autoflowers still vegging, just about to turn in flower making
SAF right 23jul15.jpg

The heat wave is ending, today it's still above 33°C but should be lower than 30 in the next days.
Also rain is expected so it's getting better and better! :)

*full reports in the sig link!

Cheers bros
Very nice growing brother. Subbed up for the rest of the grow for sure.

I keep fighting mites indoors is this year. Looks like your girls made nice recovery though, good one.

It is so nice to see other breeders breeding semi Auto, For us northern outdoor growers.

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Thanks bro,
what do you use against mites? I found pyrethrine to work pretty good in my case, was thinking to try neem but had some p from last year so I used it. It can be applied late in flower and doesn't have the neem smell, it also fades more quickly.
Hopefully mites won't persist for long, today the storms came and gave a good wash to the plants.
Been a long time.