OLD REVIEWS Kush Van Stitch smoke report


The seeds are NOT the problem at all, i better think that the vendors are the problem, because they don't store well the seeds....

I usualy have a 95 /100% germ ration, just look here in the forum..

This is why i'll get zoon my own webstore to avoid that kind of issues


also as son as you have a Web store you'll have a lot of happy folk here:D
the first 8 KVS did not germ,i did not freeze , 2nd 8 -4 germed 3rd order froze 24 hrs 8 out of 8 germed .i told the dude at ali bongo ,that i had froze the 2nd order ,and he replied ,that they do not reccommend freezing seed ,that it could damage it by freezing the water crystals inside the seed,well in the world of weed ,the seed fall to the ground freeze and thaw several times ,depending on location,i did not argue the point ,i know what i know and i believe i am right ,for years i have froze seed and always great germ rates ,.seems like being in the seed buissness he would have known this ...again THANK YOU ,MR. STITCH... AND AS OF 5 OCLOCK THIS EVENING 8 OUT OF 8 kvs HAS GERMED
MR.STITCH .. please do not take any offence to my germ report i have given you sir,all KVS seed were very dark and appeared to be viable ,i also believe that ,it is the vendors fault for not freezing.just wanted to let ya know ,i would not want anyone claiming that YOU were producing bad seed stock,
THANKS RIXXY 24 FER THE INFO,yea aint usin them again 16 usd fer 8 seed ended up 48 usd after 3 orders and over a month behind my schedule
it will be a great day when MR.STITCH starts his own seed store ,I HOPE THAT YA DO OPEN 1 SOON MR. STITCH
Just placed an order of 12 KVS fems. Going to add it to the ones in my sig. This thread gave me the urge. Thanks
the first 8 KVS did not germ,i did not freeze , 2nd 8 -4 germed 3rd order froze 24 hrs 8 out of 8 germed .i told the dude at ali bongo ,that i had froze the 2nd order ,and he replied ,that they do not reccommend freezing seed ,that it could damage it by freezing the water crystals inside the seed,well in the world of weed ,the seed fall to the ground freeze and thaw several times ,depending on location,for years i have froze seed and always great germ rates ,.seems like being in the seed buissness he would have known this

Inside Ali bongos the guys obviously can't/won't talk about seeds full stop,i like info ie: stuff regarding what I'm buying, at this store they ain't trained up etc because its illegal to do so in UK. I hate that. Many a time I've tried asking even generic questions regarding a strain etc and they just say sorry seeds are sold as a gimick ONLY . I learned petty damn quick that for quality seeds i have to shop where they care about things like germination figures. If nobody cars at the shop chances are the seeds suffered:banghead: i only use attitude seeds/seedman seeds guys nowadays, even with Ali bongos in spitting distance from home.
As a breeder "stitch" is a good egg. I hope his store takes off because seeds AIN'T SOUVENIRS:banghead::banghead::beer::banghead:
AGAIN ,MR.RIXXY 24, the info you have shared is gold, it will save me time and money ,now i know that these guys are laid back ,and slack.on the 3rd order ali b ,said that they were out of KVS, had to wait 4 weeks for the order that they said would be in the next day .but the new order is fresh from breeder , and i froze immediatly upon arrival, again i will report that all 8 have germend.so it looks like they need to refrigerate their seed stock upon arrival..again i will report that ALL KVS seed seemed to be dark and viable on every order as well..if i were a breeder ,i may refuse to sell to someone that makes my product seem worthless to the customer...but i knew that there was a reason the first 12 did not germ,as i have full faith in STITCH and his ability to produce a quality product..
here also pictures deseppear????

it is the same in flash section, all pictures desapear and just links are available