Old Reviews KIS Organics water only soil

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Thanks for the write up and excellent information on the KIS Nutrient Pack. I have started 7 auto's in 5 gallon fabric pots running them outdoors. They are all about 10 days in and super healthy. I am pumped.

My question is: How/when should I add cal/mag?

I am giving them water I leave out to dechlorinate a bit. Thanks again for the excellent information. When I went to my local grow store and they carried the 14 pound KIS Nutrient Pack I knew I was in for the outdoor season. I even had fun mixing the dirt. I did BioBizz last year and got pretty good results but got tired of mixing nutes every other day.
I've always used cal/mag every watering from day one. I've never had a cal/mag issue. I use 90-120ppms of cal/mag in my solutions.

Thanks for the write up and excellent information on the KIS Nutrient Pack. I have started 7 auto's in 5 gallon fabric pots running them outdoors. They are all about 10 days in and super healthy. I am pumped.

My question is: How/when should I add cal/mag?

I am giving them water I leave out to dechlorinate a bit. Thanks again for the excellent information. When I went to my local grow store and they carried the 14 pound KIS Nutrient Pack I knew I was in for the outdoor season. I even had fun mixing the dirt. I did BioBizz last year and got pretty good results but got tired of mixing nutes every other day.
Personally I would try it without Cal/Mag. From the testing we've done, the calcium and magnesium are at optimal levels (about 7:1). Did you know Cal/Mag is not the perfect ratio for plants anyway? Same with dolomite lime.

Anyway, there's enough of a buffering capacity in the soil that a little bit shouldn't hurt. However, too much calcium can cause other macronutrients and trace minerals to become unavailable or floccate the soil and too much magnesium can tighten up the soil.

Now if you're in a very small container relative to the size of your plant, then you may need to supplement additional nutrients but with autos I really doubt you'll run out.
excess calcium general occurs not because of cal/mag solutions ( unless way over done.. ) but from too much calcium added to a mix. Organic is no different than manufactured nutes in that people use, and recommend way more than is needed. Yet as most organic calcium supplements are slow release, the excess calcium issues are usually seen during flower..... kind of counters the idea of those fancy "bloom nutes" people waste money on.

I agree on the cal/mag ratios. More often than not, the "calcium" deficiency people see is really a magnesium deficiency. I add epsom salts to my soils, especially my recycled soil. I tend to use garden line ( mostly calcium ) but sparingly, rather than dolomite lime that high is high in magnesium. By using epsom salts, I have a better idea of the ratio of calcium to magnesium.

Personally I would try it without Cal/Mag. From the testing we've done, the calcium and magnesium are at optimal levels (about 7:1). Did you know Cal/Mag is not the perfect ratio for plants anyway? Same with dolomite lime.

Anyway, there's enough of a buffering capacity in the soil that a little bit shouldn't hurt. However, too much calcium can cause other macronutrients and trace minerals to become unavailable or floccate the soil and too much magnesium can tighten up the soil.

Now if you're in a very small container relative to the size of your plant, then you may need to supplement additional nutrients but with autos I really doubt you'll run out.
In trials with a local commercial cannabis producer we've found that Ca levels have actually risen above what we recommend over the course of 2 years in the same soil. So we've now taken to amending that soil without the calcium inputs. Magnesium levels have remained in optimal range over time, and K levels were low. I usually recommend supplementing after the first cycle with the seaweed extract powder when watering as a way to increase micronutrient and trace minerals as well as raise K levels.
By the way, totally agree with your signature. I think it's so silly when organic growers flush their soil..... :)
Was just considering buying some of KIS organic soil. I actually had pretty good luck with M3 (Michigan medical marijuana soil) which is a water only blend a few years ago. But after stumbling across the kis organics podcast it's clear these guys know their stuff. Sounds like few AFN members were going to try this for autos any feedback yet on how it went ?
I have several people here who use my mix. Was recently pm's about how pleased they were with it. And I appreciate any feedback on it, positive or negative, if we can make it better but keep it simple, I'm all for it! 70% of problems new growers have is they make it too complicated. Start simple and if that don't float your boat, get fancy after you get some experience!

You know, I love it when I remove a rootball or stump from a pot and see fat happy worms thriving in there! I think that alone says I'm doing something right!

Was just considering buying some of KIS organic soil. I actually had pretty good luck with M3 (Michigan medical marijuana soil) which is a water only blend a few years ago. But after stumbling across the kis organics podcast it's clear these guys know their stuff. Sounds like few AFN members were going to try this for autos any feedback yet on how it went ?