Since there looks to be some savings in quantity, I was wondering what the shelf life of a bag of @Kindsoil roughly is? Say for example I ordered a five bag, 25lb order and then used two and a half bags. How long could I expect the unopened bags to stay good versus the half remaining in an opened bag? How about if I put the opened inside a zip lock, trash bag, or similar and closed it up?

Any info appreciated!! Thanks!
hey i noticed it says you guys ship worldwide. Would you know a rough price on shipping to au by any chance?
the last time i sent 10 lbs there i wanna say it was 60-70$ .. the international shipping is really killer once customs touches it. I honestly have guys that pay 90$ to ship 10 lbs monthly to china.. thats a lot in the shipping costs.. but let me break it down quick .. his total is 126$ to buy and ship 10lbs.. If he runs two 5 gallons and at absolute worst hits something lower like 4oz. a plant he's only paying 15.75$ to veg and flower each ounce outside of water and environment cost. so even at that high shipping cost he's still benefiting. I can tell you over and over its worth it, but I really feel that growers are the people that should be talking about products they truly stand behind. Me as a owner i can talk till I'm blue in the face about our product and rant and rave about the quality and simplicity...but so can and does all other business owners regardless of the product quality. so i hate being that guy on boards or media boasting about product quality, id rather leave that to gracious growers who are kind enough to post grow journals about our product and show we aren't selling BS to people.
i couldn't without putting all my details in, and i have to be careful how many times i click proceed otherwise i could get slugged for what i'm trying to put through as a quote. I did email but i mayaswell communicate through afn, that what its here for.
don't worry about putting in your information. you can add as many bags as you want to your cart go to check out, enter your shipping info and proceed to checkout. we don't save anything ever at all in regards to customers information and the website doesn't store or forward anything unless you actually enter a credit card and process it.

you can get quotes without any issues or paying for anything
their last post was only two days ago, and it is the weekend right.
thanks for your help mate.
sorry may 15th in michigan is generally our last worry about frost, so we are generally very busy the week of and after. All our outdoor guys are getting their pots ready for summer grows so I wasn't availble to get onto boards but like you contacted us, we are always available by phone or emails. Hopefully your email was already responded to if it wasn't it will be within an hour or so.
Shipping rates have gone up everywhere over the last few years, of course, and KindSoil has no control over that. It's still not too too bad considering the number of autos you could do with 50 lbs., I think they were recommending 1.5 lbs. for autos in a 3 gal pot earlier in this thread. That's like 30 or 32 plants, about 15 bucks or so per plant. It's a big outlay of moolah, but not a lot more than what we'd pay for a good seed.

Again, hope that helps, :peace:
yeah shipping is really getting crazy the worst part is everything is done with weight and distance... at the absolute WORST it costs 6$ to ship one 18$ bag. We use medium flat rate boxes that cost us 12$ to ship (when ordered off we can squeeze two 5lb bags into those medium flat rate boxes. So if you live somewhere like hawaii or california and the general shipping is really high we can at least get the shipping down to a reasonable rate of 12$ to ship two 5lb bags. most of the time that rate even comes out cheaper to use than most freight options. Someone just recently ordered 350lbs to oregon and the freight cost was going to be 1,300$ and we were able to ship the order VIA ups medium flat rate boxes for 420$ i think it was. everything just depends on locations unfortunately.
:baked: I was bored so I entered a random name and addy in a town in Victoria , AU to see -- it showed $302.85 shipping for $175 soil (50 lbs.)

Even in the states it looks like 60 smackers for shipping 50lbs. I don't know if larger orders are cheaper. Hope that helps. Would you have to pay a VAT or customs duty on it? :coffee2:
There are duty fees.. it depends on your area most of the time the duty fees are paid in the shipping price. But i won't know that until you actually pay. i think the only place I've had someone order from that didn't add duty fees in was france for some reason.. I'm not sure why or how that happens but generally its already included.
Since there looks to be some savings in quantity, I was wondering what the shelf life of a bag of @Kindsoil roughly is? Say for example I ordered a five bag, 25lb order and then used two and a half bags. How long could I expect the unopened bags to stay good versus the half remaining in an opened bag? How about if I put the opened inside a zip lock, trash bag, or similar and closed it up?

Any info appreciated!! Thanks!
yes it can be stored we recommend keeping it in a cool area like a basement. we recommend using it within six months from the purchase date however it can actually be used up to a year later. We clearly don't recommend storing it that long only because the bacteria/microbes etc.. could become effected. Also when storing the soil continues to break down so you may get some white webs that look like mold but its the soil continuing to break down and/or if sitting long enough without being disturbed the myco web could also begin to grow and extenend which sometimes when it gets really dense can look like mold too
yes it can be stored we recommend keeping it in a cool area like a basement. we recommend using it within six months from the purchase date however it can actually be used up to a year later. We clearly don't recommend storing it that long only because the bacteria/microbes etc.. could become effected. Also when storing the soil continues to break down so you may get some white webs that look like mold but its the soil continuing to break down and/or if sitting long enough without being disturbed the myco web could also begin to grow and extenend which sometimes when it gets really dense can look like mold too
How about treating it like a sourdough starter? Add it to 5-10 gallons of plain or ammended soil so the micro- life can do their thing while in storage?
I can attest that the kind soil is worth it I mean just look at this little baby growing in it .
@Kindsoil I was wondering if you have had any lab analysis work done on your product ?

The reason I ask is it seems to me that more states and municipalities are heading in the direction of MA and NV as far as regs for licensed suppliers and are requiring soil analysis for contaminates, metals, and PCB's

I haven't looked into the legislative end of it in about a year but I think WA, CA, and CO were also heading more in that direction back then as well.

Personally I've been more concerned with where my location's regs are heading as of late so I haven't stayed on top of it nationally.

Thanks. :pass:
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