As for pH'ing water if necessary, I looked at the labels on the Earth Juice crystals, lmao I could have saved a bit of money on that. It's just pure citric acid (for down) and Potassium Bicarbonate for up. :facepalm: Both of those compounds are very cheap raw. One can even find pure citric acid in the grocery store with the jarring and canning goods.

The Potassium Bicarbonate will be infinitely better than Sodium Bicarbonate, since it breaks into Potassium Carbonate that the bennies might be able to make usable to the plant. Versus the baking soda which releases raw Na sodium. Both release a carbon dioxide and a h2o. Citric acid is a common part of many lifeforms and shouldn't hurt the soil life if used gently. Theoretically it might even be of some small use to the bennies.
As for pH'ing water if necessary, I looked at the labels on the Earth Juice crystals, lmao I could have saved a bit of money on that. It's just pure citric acid (for down) and Potassium Bicarbonate for up. :facepalm: Both of those compounds are very cheap raw. One can even find pure citric acid in the grocery store with the jarring and canning goods.

The Potassium Bicarbonate will be infinitely better than Sodium Bicarbonate, since it breaks into Potassium Carbonate that the bennies might be able to make usable to the plant. Versus the baking soda which releases raw Na sodium. Both release a carbon dioxide and a h2o. Citric acid is a common part of many lifeforms and shouldn't hurt the soil life if used gently. Theoretically it might even be of some small use to the bennies.
there is from what i remember a really slight beneficial thing that occurs.. something to do with being beneficial to the roots in some way when not used improperly.. i just can't remember exactly what or how. and yes your absolutely right its cheap raw.. but i would personally just recommend sticking with a company that sells the product for what your wanting to use it for. for years and years i did saltwater reefs and corals.. people used to recommend pickling lime for calcium building which is like your saying a basic food grade "calcium" you can buy very cheap in large quantities VS buying calcium designed for reefs. now both are basically the same but we found that over long periods of use people started getting funny algeaes and had other odd buildup and situations occur using the pickling lime vs. reef calcium. Im not saying that buying citric acid in bulk will cause issues I'm just saying why save 10$ to buy a citric acid in your grocery store for food prep instead of buying one in a hydro store designed for plants from a plant company. clearly you can get the same product but there may be some odd company out there selling citric acids that maybe aren't a clean good grade and in those cases people may have issues and all just to save a couple dollars.. not worth it if you ask me. but i totally hear you on the price jump of what it is.. but really its like 16$ for a bottle that will last most people a year or more.
i couldn't without putting all my details in, and i have to be careful how many times i click proceed otherwise i could get slugged for what i'm trying to put through as a quote. I did email but i mayaswell communicate through afn, that what its here for.
i couldn't without putting all my details in, and i have to be careful how many times i click proceed otherwise i could get slugged for what i'm trying to put through as a quote. I did email but i mayaswell communicate through afn, that what its here for.
Got ya I know they check in from time to time.. I believe other got a quote on Amazon. Just trying to help
@orrganic, you can go to their website and put what you want in their cart and proceed to the shipping page and check it. You only have to click the "proceed" button 1 time. You could get your answer alot quicker by doing it that way.:thumbsup: I do believe Kindsoil have said that its the easiest way to find out. :d5: Or wait for for their e-mail. I just did it to see what the shipping is to my door, without a problem.:headbang:
i couldn't without putting all my details in, and i have to be careful how many times i click proceed otherwise i could get slugged for what i'm trying to put through as a quote. I did email but i mayaswell communicate through afn, that what its here for.

:baked: I was bored so I entered a random name and addy in a town in Victoria , AU to see -- it showed $302.85 shipping for $175 soil (50 lbs.)

Even in the states it looks like 60 smackers for shipping 50lbs. I don't know if larger orders are cheaper. Hope that helps. Would you have to pay a VAT or customs duty on it? :coffee2:
Shipping rates have gone up everywhere over the last few years, of course, and KindSoil has no control over that. It's still not too too bad considering the number of autos you could do with 50 lbs., I think they were recommending 1.5 lbs. for autos in a 3 gal pot earlier in this thread. That's like 30 or 32 plants, about 15 bucks or so per plant. It's a big outlay of moolah, but not a lot more than what we'd pay for a good seed.

Again, hope that helps, :peace: