There's not much I can do with the lights before I'd have to get into re-engineering the whole thing. Could maybe get another 4 inches or so, but dunno that it would be enough difference to matter. I've got a dimmer enabled driver that I'm waiting for a good time to swap out that could be an option, but that would cut down on penetration on the outskirts as well, so not sure I like that option.

I do have some of the Earth Juice Molasses For Plants sitting around, so I went ahead and mixed up a medium strength batch of it and hand watered her with some. Will see if that helps her perk up some. She's at about day 60 right now.
Starting to prep for the next grow, so emptied out the Root Trappers from the two harvested plants. Didn't get good shots of the Devil Cream, but got a couple of the Blue Amnesia XXL that the pics turned out OK.

There wasn't the cluster of roots I has half expecting around where the Blumat water dripper was, or at least it wasn't as obvious as I thought it might be. The disk of Kindsoil in the bottom stuck together pretty well while pulling it out of the pot, so you can see that the roots did dip down into it really nice.

Getting things rolling this morning for the next phase of the Kindsoil test for me. Well, I guess I really got them rolling a week ago, but sort of brining it together today.'s what's up....

As you probalby don't remember, I had a fourth pot setup with the Kindsoil for my original test, but after a few failied seed germinations and the other plants took off I decided to just pull it. So I had this pot sitting with half a bag of Kindsoil on the bottom topped up with about a fourth of a 1.5 Cft. bag of Roots Organic Original. I decided to try cutting it with some soil before using it to "mellow out" the Kindsoil a bit using what was in that pot. So I took it all outside and dumped it out into a five gallon bucket. Since it had been sitting without getting watered for a few weeks, and was fairly dry I figured a small recharge couldn't hurt so I tossed in a couple handfuls of earthworm castings and then wet it all really good with a medium to strong strength does of Earth Juice's Mollases for Plants. Total is maybe 3-4 gallons of medium by my calculations. I let that all cook for about a week in the bucket sitting on the edge of the porch in the sun ( some overcast days and a cool front moved through the last several days). Watered again about mid week to keep it moist.

Took it this morning a split it between two 5 gallon tall Root Trapper pots, and then topped off to not all the way full. I'd guestimate I went to maybe the four gallon level or so on these pots. Set them up in the closet with a Blumat on either side of the Automazar still finishing up. I've got two Auto Berry Bomb seeds from my first seed order that I figure should be a good test so I set them up yesterday soaking in a shot glass in the cabinet.

Haven't fully decided yet, but I'm also thinking of giving one or the other or both a supplemental hard watering with some of the Earth Juice Oilycanna every week or two. It's their Cal/Mag supplement with some hummic acid thrown in. Was reading some more on purpling stems and rust spotting leaves last night and a LOT of the shots look like what mine seem to look like and were being attributed to Cal/Mag in the forums I was researching on. Combined with the debatable belive held by some that growing under LED can sometimes have Cal/Mad deficiency issues I go back and forth on if I want to add it into the system to test.

I got my Kindsoil in today! Man that is a lot of stinky ass dirtView attachment 623620 , and it sat at the post office all weekend, we I went in to pick it up they were like "WHAT is that?" hahahahahaha I told them the best organic soil on the planet!
Oh yeah that stuff will wake you up like smelling salts
Ohh that smell, can you smell that smell!

Im a smilin mo fo potting that up because i know the end results