Sweet Seeds Killernecrox's Second Grow | Fast Bud #2 |140W Led & 5L Airpot

Sep 23, 2013
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Greetings everyone! This is my second grow and i'm pretty sure it will be much better than my first grow which had so many mistakes but overall i'm quite satisfied with my first grow and it's currently drying right now. My first grow was also a Diesel Berry(I had 4 seeds. Threw one away accidentally & grew one DB)and i will be doing a smoke review of her after drying/curing.

My setup, equipments & environment :

Grow area - Closet (1.75depth by 1.375width by 3.75height ft.)

Grow light - Bysen SP110D LED Light 86x3w [x2 lens] 140 Watt

Nutrients - Veg nutes NPK 18+18+18+Te+Vitamin B6
Bloom nutes NPK 10+30+30+Te+vitamin B6
Unsulphured Blackstrap molasses

PH - General Hydroponics PH Kit

Ventilation - I open my closet door halfway because i can't put holes into the closet so this is for air exchange. 2 oscillating fans (One at the top facing the door to blow the hot air out and another at the bottom facing in to give air circulation and hopefully some intake from the outside too)

Strains - Auto Seeds Diesel Berry & Royal Queen Seeds Northern Light

Pots - 5 Litre Air Pots (2 gal equivalent)

Soil - J. Arthur Bowers Multi-Purpose Compost with added John Innes

Temperature - Ranges
from 30celcius to 32celcius (I know it's a little too high but i had 33 celcius when i was doing CFL on my first grow)

Humidity - Ranges from 50% to 80% depending on the day time. Will be using dehumidifier balls when it reaches flowering stage to reduce humidity.

Training - Depending on the rate of the growth. If it stretches alot and looks like it's gonna produce one big cola instead of multiple colas then i will LST. If i am going to LST i will be probably do it when it shows sex/pre flowers around week 3 after plain watering or a small feeding. Will decide later.

I just germinated the seed by using the paper towel method. Will check for the root tail day by day and once i see them i will be ready to fill up my air pot with the compost and then saturating it with 10 or 15 litres of water.

Please do check out my first grow journal too!


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along for the ride!!! Hop digity

only thing I'm concerned with is that your Veg nutes probably should have a higher N ratio compared to P and K, although it could still work... What you are using looks to be more of an all-around fertilizer that you could use thoughout the grow, start to finish.

got a PH kit too I see :thumbs:
Great to have someone from my first grow thread coming over to join me on my new journey heh :pighug:

Yeah my veg nutes are all rounders i guess but i couldn't find any higher N ratio fertilizer around here, just gotta give them more love and chill out.

Yup not really getting the hang of it yet but i wanna make sure i learn from my mistakes:dance:
I just checked the seeds today and the paper towels were all dry so i had to make sure it's moist. The seed seems fine, nothing to worry about. I am gonna check again tomorrow and make sure the paper towels are not dried up again :help:.
DO NOT let them dry out. Ive killed a few seeds that way when germinating. I hope they are OK.
Yea dude. No dry paper towels. I have lost about 120$ worth of seeds in the last 6 months cause I'm at work all day put them in air tight container near warm shit light heating pad and burp them and fresh water and air and drain excess!
That's why my threads are all faulked up! And it says I'm growing something else. Cause they didn't make it and didn't wanna kill the thread!
Shit man this two are my last seeds, i hope they survive or i will be really sad :stoneslap: Gonna be constantly checking on them to make sure no dry paper towels.

Your thread grows are really good man keep it up and try to have some time loving your babies hehe.

Anyway i faulked up too. I labeled the cover with "DB" and "NL" to know which is which but then today i checked both of them and i left the cover on the tables and i have no idea which is which so there is a 50% chance that the NL might be DB or vice versa. DAMNNNNNNNNNNN
NL won't look anything like your DB in the late stages. You should be fine there.