New Grower kdubs' first grow CKS Northern Lights & Trainwreck

Can't wait until they start showing trichs. Looks like you wont be needing an additional microscope to get a close look haha :biggrin:

Great shots man, love it when someone has a feel for taking pictures

Thanks man! These shots are actually handheld. As soon as I'm not afraid to take them out of the tent, I can use a tripod for some more detailed close ups!
A couple of notes on things I've learned so far: PHing the water a few days before hand & not checking it before watering is a bad idea. I'd had a couple of 4 gallon buckeets filled & PH'd, ready to go -or so I thought... I did 2 waterings with a PH of around 7 - 8, I think. I decided to check before my watering yesterday morning & found it much higher than I anticipated. Lesson learned. After yesterday's watering, they seem to have perked up a lot & seem to be growing faster. I could be imagining it but they seem to be really "happy" compared to before.
I've been busy & neglecting my journal... my apologies!

Day 10 - The girls are developing well, I think.





Today is day 17 & I've seen a lot of development over the past week. First of all, all the girls are indeed girls!! They're all beginning to show off their pistils & I couldn't be more excited! I've never grown anything & so far, I've managed to to foul this up & I'm stoked! Here are a few more photos of where I'm at. Tossed in a lousy close up of the pistils on one of the NL's. Next week, I'm hoping to do some proper photos out of the tent but for now, here's where they're at.







Hey AFN! It's been far to long since I've posted any updates & it's looking like I may indeed be able to pull this off & have medicine I've grown myself. The grow has been going very well, I think. I've had a few mistakes to overcome such as not filling my pots with enough soil which make watering a pain in the butt! I also found I was under watering the girls as the went into flower but all in all, I'm pretty stoked on how its going! In the tent photo, the Northern Lights are on the left & the Trainwreck are on the right. I'd estimate the TW's are a week to 2 weeks behind the NL's & are just starting to get a little frosty. The NL's are ahead & I've been working on some macro shots with flash for a change. I'd love to hear what people think of them! I think I saw a photo thread somewhere so if I can find it, I'll post them there as well.



nice grow. just joined today, growing 4 CKS WhiteWidow and 3 Amnesia Haze auto's will be posting my journal sooon. on day 34.. looking nice af man!! what are you planning to grow next??


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