Transplanted my 16 oz'er into a 2 gallon fabric pot(smart pot).
Decided to do this since its female, and Ill have a for sure female in the grow off.

. I let her get a little dry for the transplant. Looks a little hungry too.
Planted into a mix of Dr 30% perlite 4 fist fulls of Dr earths pot of gold organic soil, and the rest is black and gold organic soil. Also amended a little with 1/4 cup of Dr earth 4-4-4 hand crafted dry mix, and a little less then a 1/4 a cup of bone meal. 0-14-2 I believe..14% calcium..1% sulfer I believe.
Watered her with aerated water, liquid kelp, molasses, and general organics cal mag supplement.

Just want to thank kaos again for being so generous with seeds. Helps save some money, and now I was able to afford a tent..sort of lol. :dance2:
For a med patient, thats a huge thing. I appreciate what your doing, and what you stand for my brother kaos.
I didnt get a chance to take a picture of the roots but, they were very white fuzzy and healthy looking. Looks like she was just ripe and ready for a transplant.