Current status on the 2 I have going on this one.
SO far so good. No sign of sex yet on the older one. The second is in a medium sized jiffy pot atm.
All organic soil/nutrients. Have not really fed them much. Just kelp, and molasses, and the starter tea I made for the older a little while ago.

It did get really hot out for a few days, and it got a little warm in my box. ~85. Its been back to normal now for a few days. They didn’t really seem to mind.
I also have a tent coming in a week that I ordered.Found one just my size, for a reasonable price.I think it will be more practical, as there are some minor flaws in my box. Light leaks, etc.Easier to clean with a tent, and move around. So, Ill have a foot more of head room/ mylar reflective material/better air flow/etc. So, I’m sure they plants will be like that a lot once I get the tent set up, and everything transferred. Ill have to do it all during their normal dark period.
I was thinking of getting one of those co2 jars, that is supposed to last 5 months, or something along those lines. What do you guys think?...Oh, and if the Jiffy Lemon head turns girl. Ill plant her in this 2 gallon fabric pot I got for it. That way I can try to get the girl bigger for you kaos. Cheers. I still got 4 more seeds to try. So, Ill keep trying if these all decide to go male. ..Cheers friends. "AFN smoke out"