What are those 2 purple plants at the bottom?
Black Dragon
@Bigg Al 
It does make for a beautiful and interesting picture
@Mossy Those shiny leaves look really cool
The Black leafed plant went shiney silver..like a coin..and was simply stunning to look at..
The Green leafed plant went white...
4 days later..all the affected leaves blew off.......

...Oh..they Like this peroxide....

..I'll just give them a bit Extra....
Hey..who else has had a sterling silver canna plant...?....

...just Me then.....
Ooooh - Look at the cutie on the bottom left!!! ^_^
I'll TAKE her!! She looks "exotic"
Gorgeous Paella ! Nice n yellow. Saffron and turmeric?
That looks sooooo good!

I do love a good paella... I may have to make that my next cooking adventure.

Well...It will at least make it on the list. My wife has been bugging me to learn how to make tamales. She loves them
I should be ashamed of myself admitting this.......

...I hadn't tried making paella coz I Assumed it would be a PITA to learn....we used to buy it from the sunday market.
Then..I found paella sachets in the super market.... Saffron which is the one I used here...
and there is a one which is cheesy/aniseedy that I would probably use with fish..
They are perfectly spiced/coloured.
Sachets cost around 20 cents.. 2 go in that sized pan full...and it is Absolutely Spot on.....
It says Zaffron
@BCBudlady ..but I'd suspect curicumin in too for the depth of colour.
In Spain curicumin is quarter of the price of tumeric..