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Plus, most police forces in the UK are putting cannabis way down the list of their priorities (quite rightly so!). You'd have to be running a serious grow operation to get their attention and I truly believe most of us who grow for personal use are of no interest to the cops.
I think that's true in a lot of places. Here where I live it's still quite illegal, but I know of cases where the police either ignored the weed or just confiscated it without further ado. I think they see the writing on the wall.

...jus felt like sharing :cool1: hope everybody had a great day! :thumbsup: ppp
I think that's true in a lot of places. Here where I live it's still quite illegal, but I know of cases where the police either ignored the weed or just confiscated it without further ado. I think they see the writing on the wall.

Right, even the cops are realising how ridiculous it is to criminalise this beautiful plant. I bet they have more problems with drunk people than stoned people!!
@RivetGrrl the plant is in mid to end preflower at 35ish days. Its a northern cheese haze from mephisto, 2 gallon airpot knockoff, roots organic soil, greenleaf nutes.
The plant also just suffered a catastrophic accident and the main was accidentally topped. Its had a rough go lol.
So the question is do i have time to reestablish bennies or is it not worth it at this point in the grow?

My worry is that you don't want the roots to keep getting hit, so you want the gnats gone. But a drench of something to help the roots like a tea with mycorrhiza will really help the roots bounce back and stay strong.

What roducts do you have/plan on using?

Btw with airpots, the gnats can get in the little holes so if you want to hit with DE wrap the pot in cling wrap until the gnats are gone.

When you are done this grow make sure to clean and sanatize, ISO is great to spray everything down with once you have cleaned to get the sanitation done. I also use ISO as a pest spray ON the plants but it won't help with soil pests.
Right, even the cops are realising how ridiculous it is to criminalise this beautiful plant. I bet they have more problems with drunk people than stoned people!!
To be fair, that's not how they are seeing it. As far as the cops are concerned, it's still a drug. And for my local constabulary, illegal enough to land you in jail.

They look the other way not out of respect for the plant, but because the momentum driving the decriminalization is strong enough that there is no motivation to prosecute. "We have more important things to police" is the result.

Make no mistake, they are not condoning what we do.

Get them mad while they are poking about, and it's off to jail for you.
I 100% agree with @RivetGrrl - the old bill in the chopper are going to be focused on more urgent matters than spotting weed grows. If you obey the 3 golden rules you will never be busted:
1. Don't smell
2. Don't sell
3. Don't tell


Kinda like the you want it "cheap, easy, fast" you can have one but not the other two.

I haven't been around much the past few days. The air conditioning in my house has been broken, with indoor temps hitting 88+F. A combination of trying to make sure my plants don't melt, the exhaustive effects of the heat are really squelching my enthusiasm. Should be fixed tomorrow, hopefully.

Meanwhile, I just finished sealing and storing a dozen steaks and 6 boneless pork chops. All of 'em soaked in marinade for a solid 24 hours. Given how much of a bastard my back has been lately, I'm glad to be done with it. Feeling rather accomplished, really. Between what's already in the freezer and today's efforts, I'm all set for delicious sources of protein for about a month. Two batches of mac and cheese are on tomorrow's schedule. One for my dad.

The ladies are only a few weeks away from getting the axe. Meanwhile, I am enjoying this weird strain I found called "Wedding Cake."

Not gonna lie, a good part of why I have not been around is my mental state. Trying to kick the devil back into it's corner, as usual, but it's been tougher than usual lately.

So in summary, I am not dead, just a little sweaty and annoyed by the heat. I have plenty of food and weed. I'll be back more regularly when I am a bit less loony.

Love my fam here!


Sorry to hear about the bad stuff, but happy that there is good stuff too. I am making lasagna tomorrow from ground elk, it's always good.

That devil on your back is the biggest, nastiest bitch of them all. I can take pain and do what I need to do, but as soon as that black, yawning cavern opens up right behind me all I can do is hang on and ride it out. Big :bighug: to you.
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