Indoor JS550Fan's perpetual journal > organics indoor QBs/outdoors

Cover crop is coming in nicely.


Supercropped one branch on the Sky Dweller. I'll probably need to do more before too long.

And those plants outside in the 20G containers are doing well! My plan seems to be working, and taking care of their watering properly is definitely helping too, and while I'm seeing some more yellowing on both, it has slowed way down and seems to be more or less normal / natural at this point.

They are always praying and are filling in nicely. If I can keep the nasties at bay, I'll be in for a nice harvest.
Beautiful plants, great work.
Also - Fedco for the win! I'm a long time supporter and buyer of Fedco seeds and tubers. Just wanted to plug their great org.
Thank Al! Right on! I only found out about Fedco very recently, though I've been a Maine resident my entire life - I grew up down south of Portland, though. They seem like a great company, and I'm very happy with my ground cover seeds. I'm definitely going to source some more products from them.

I think it's been a little while since I showed these girls - the big ones. These were started inside on 4/2, and put in the ground in the beginning of July, I believe.

Had to lollipop them a bit to combat WPM, but now that I've removed it, (and they affected squash), they are doing great!
Outdoor plantd continue to do well. Yellowing has not picked up again, just minor, what I think is natural, yellowing of some lower and or smaller fan leaves. Continue to see beautiful oranges, blues, and purples. They are all starting to fill in well.

Here's the Cheese, fattening up. Looking forward to harvesting this one in about 2 weeks and making more room in the garden for everyone to spread out.

Here is the trunk of Sky Dweller [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:

Very interesting the way it is developing, with one side of the first branching being dominant (with 4 tops instead of 2).
Whole reason I wanted to post - forgot to mention! -

Since I've been concerned with WPM (and botrytis, though thankfully I've not seen any yet, the conditions are right), and the plants are getting into week 3 of flower, I wanted to stack on some foliar applications now.

I've been feeding kelp via foliar and have applied two milk sprayings, several days apart. This morning I sprayed with Monopotassium Phosphate (MKP) and kelp, and it will probably be my last foliar spray at all, with those buds starting to get big.

Also top dressed the potted ladies with some alfalfa, neem, and Compost, watered in with liquid Kelp.

I've also had to stay on top of removing other plant material with WPM, particularly my squash. The tomatoes and sunflowers aren't affected, but the squash was getting it like a nut.
Frost warning tonight!
And I'm not taking any chances.


Here's the Orange Blossom Special in the 20G - just turning gorgeous:


Had to move the potted Sky Dweller out of the garden to put the plastic up, so I got a good shot of the Cheese, which is about 2 weeks ahead of the other plants:
Here's the tent now. Lots of changes over the past few weeks. The tent is now back on 18/6, so the clones are beginning to re-vegetate. The little Amnesia Auto is flowering. The Snake Oil and Cheese seedlings are doing their thing. Actually, the Snake Oil is working on its 5th node now.

The Jack Herer is doing very well, really seeming to enjoy my LOS:


I topped it yesterday and it has had significant growth since:
