I had, for no real good reason, so far avoided getting any generic organic fertilizer. I picked some up yesterday, added some to the outside garden, to the earth and the containers. I also top dressed with some alfalfa, kelp, and EWC, then watered it in well. The containers also got molasses water.
Today, the whole garden is looking very happy!
I think I may be underestimating the water required by those 20G fabric bags, now that the plants have had time to grow roots to fill it.
I'm going to plan on watering every other day with around 2G each. Alternating plain water with molasses water, with some fish hydrolysate occasionally.
Amnesia [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] got up-potted today. She is in day 20. Moved up to a 5G for this one. Instead of mixing my LOS with promix, I put it in full strength, with added perlite and some Coco coir.
Used Mykos liberally on the roots. Top dresses with EWC, alfalfa meal, neem meal, and covered that with perlite to block the gnats.
Speaking of those bastards, I think I've eradicated them in my tent. But you know how that goes, when you use the 'E' word...
As for the flowering plants... The Diesel continues to reach for the light. Diesel is kn day 59 overall, and F15. I may have to supercrop before she's finished stretching, I don't really have any more rook to raise the light any more.
The Purple Kush CBD is fattening up quick, but I hope she grows some more height on those colas. She's on day 45, F21. She's been a VERY fast pheno, and pretty tall for how fast she's grown. Very different than the last PK I grew. She smells just the same though, which I'm very happy about!
Still battling aphids in here. The numbers are way down, but I keep finding live adults. The ladybugs are on their way!
Today, the whole garden is looking very happy!
I think I may be underestimating the water required by those 20G fabric bags, now that the plants have had time to grow roots to fill it.
I'm going to plan on watering every other day with around 2G each. Alternating plain water with molasses water, with some fish hydrolysate occasionally.
Amnesia [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] got up-potted today. She is in day 20. Moved up to a 5G for this one. Instead of mixing my LOS with promix, I put it in full strength, with added perlite and some Coco coir.
Speaking of those bastards, I think I've eradicated them in my tent. But you know how that goes, when you use the 'E' word...
As for the flowering plants... The Diesel continues to reach for the light. Diesel is kn day 59 overall, and F15. I may have to supercrop before she's finished stretching, I don't really have any more rook to raise the light any more.
The Purple Kush CBD is fattening up quick, but I hope she grows some more height on those colas. She's on day 45, F21. She's been a VERY fast pheno, and pretty tall for how fast she's grown. Very different than the last PK I grew. She smells just the same though, which I'm very happy about!
Still battling aphids in here. The numbers are way down, but I keep finding live adults. The ladybugs are on their way!
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