Indoor JS550Fan's perpetual journal > organics indoor QBs/outdoors

I had, for no real good reason, so far avoided getting any generic organic fertilizer. I picked some up yesterday, added some to the outside garden, to the earth and the containers. I also top dressed with some alfalfa, kelp, and EWC, then watered it in well. The containers also got molasses water.
Today, the whole garden is looking very happy!

I think I may be underestimating the water required by those 20G fabric bags, now that the plants have had time to grow roots to fill it.

I'm going to plan on watering every other day with around 2G each. Alternating plain water with molasses water, with some fish hydrolysate occasionally.


Amnesia [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] got up-potted today. She is in day 20. Moved up to a 5G for this one. Instead of mixing my LOS with promix, I put it in full strength, with added perlite and some Coco coir.
Used Mykos liberally on the roots. Top dresses with EWC, alfalfa meal, neem meal, and covered that with perlite to block the gnats.
Speaking of those bastards, I think I've eradicated them in my tent. But you know how that goes, when you use the 'E' word...

As for the flowering plants... The Diesel continues to reach for the light. Diesel is kn day 59 overall, and F15. I may have to supercrop before she's finished stretching, I don't really have any more rook to raise the light any more.
The Purple Kush CBD is fattening up quick, but I hope she grows some more height on those colas. She's on day 45, F21. She's been a VERY fast pheno, and pretty tall for how fast she's grown. Very different than the last PK I grew. She smells just the same though, which I'm very happy about!

Still battling aphids in here. The numbers are way down, but I keep finding live adults. The ladybugs are on their way!
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So, it appears I have a deficiency with my NY Diesel Auto. It looks like it may be Phosphorous. And maybe calcium/magnesium as well.

Since going with my LOS, I haven't bothered to pH test my water. I did check yesterday and got 6.25 with an EC of about 0.3. So, about what I expected and while definitely not perfect, should work. I haven't done a slurry test yet, but that's going to get done soon.

Symptoms are yellowing and death of leaf tissue at the tips and margins, affecting lower to mid-level leaves mostly.

I've been giving all of the plants tap water, with occasional, regular molasses and fish hydrolysate additives, alternating every third watering or so. I've harvested two small plants relatively successfully (they were stunted early, but finished well). I haven't been adding any CalMag, but did so last night, 3ml/G, along with a foliar spray at lights out. There is more progression in the today, which I think is to be expected.

The aphids are under control, and I got my ladybugs in. I'm busy preparing habitats inside and out, and will let them fly soon.
Hope you get that shit worked out homie. To me it doesnt look like calmag issue but never hurts to add it
Thanks, and I agree with the CalMag and the yellowing. I am also seeing, and forgot to mention, some small grey/brown spotting which I think could be calcium def.
Of course, it may be buildup from top dressings and my tap water, locking out P and/or calcium.
if you ever thinks its been over feed run 5 gallons of water through it and give it a mini flush. if feeding it doesn't fix it
Thanks man. Yeah, I think that's going to be my next action on this. Everything has been going well on it until recently, and I think it may just have too many built up solids. I never really water to runoff, but I think now I'll have to do so. Today I bought a big tray which will make it a lot easier with these 7G bags.

In other news, my compost pile is finally big enough (and I guess well balanced enough) that's its getting hot! Excited about that, and eventually making soil with my own Compost.

Next is going to be a little worm bin. Well, after I get my medical card anyway.
I've officially sent the NY Diesel to the infirmary, for yellowing /dying leaf margins and tips. Thread here:

Outside, I released about 250 ladybugs. I did it at sundown last night, and today I'm happy to see a lot of them still around. I read about creating a habitat that makes the ladybugs want to stick around: water sources like a very shallow level of water in a dish, and sprinkling water onto the plants, and a small house for them to crawl inside for cover.

Thankfully, I have a number of other flowering plants in my garden for them to enjoy, on top of the aphids and leaf hoppers.
I'm bringing the NY Diesel back from the infirmary. Basically gave her a semi-flush, and added top dressings for Potassium, and gave her a mulch layer. The lower VPD lately is also making her happier, I think.

The family recently captured some monarch caterpillars and hatched them out. Here's the first baby monarch of the season:

And here is a shot of the Cheese - in the ground outside, and about two weeks further into flower than the other outdoor plants. Looking healthy and enjoying where it's at!
The Diesel just keeps looking better. On day 67 and still stretching. No progression of yellowing or dying tips and margins. New growth is a good color and well formed, if maybe a bit thin.

I introduced a small number of the ladybugs into the tent two nights ago. Probably about 10. They seem to be keeping busy, and I saw two enjoying some intercourse today. There is definitely some food in there for them, and I also added a couple of wildflowers to set the mood.

So it appears either my flush and subsequent soaking of the soil, or the nutrients added in top dressing, have turned her around. And quickly. I think I was seeing a potassium deficiency, made worse by an excessive VPD and underwatering and/or dry pockets.
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Looking at the pics, it sure looks like the Diesel could use some more trimming. Anyone Agee or disagree? It's a pretty bushy plant, and I have good airflow in the tent...
And as always, Amy feedback or criticism is welcome, I am here to share and learn.