Indoor JS550Fan's perpetual journal > organics indoor QBs/outdoors


Outdoor plants mostly looking good. Good growth through stretch, but varying degrees of yellowing fan leaves towards the bottom.

I know some amount is normal, but I think I'm seeing a N deficiency as demand increases through stretch.

In the above image (from a few days ago when they were fresh trimmed), they don't look as bad as they do now, I'll have to get new pics tomorrow.
Here's another little predator friend I discovered the other day. I love these little guys. I hope they don't eat all of my ladybugs and larvae, though.
Here are newer shots of the Sky Dweller and Orange Blossom Special in the 20G pots. More yellowing continues to work their way up the plant. Mostly even yellowing starting at the tips, veins remaining greenish on some.
my indoor grow is yellowing from the bottom in the same way. What do you think is your cause for it or is it natural progression?
At first I thought I was seeing a natural amount of yellowing, but it kept progressing. I do think I'm seeing a Nitrogen deficiency now, through flowering stretch, as the plant continues to need relatively big N numbers while making that push of vegetative growth.
The new growth on both of those plants looks awesome. Beginning flowers are looking great. Few pests around, no other symptoms except yellowing and losing a lot of lower fan leaves.

I am currently, - and I'm a little ashamed at this - really annoyed with this NY Diesel. I do not like this plant. I want to put it outside. It just wants to grow more leaves and doesn't want to flower. It may be K deficiency. I think it looks like nitrogen excess, but I guess not toxicity. Anyway, it used to be happier outside anyway. We will see...


I popped another Greenpoint Seeds' Snake Oil the other day. I really want to grow one of thee out. The first two were males. Big, vigorous males. I should have kept some pollen. Maybe next time.


The Jack Herer is looking good. This feminized seed was a freebie from Seedsman.


Above is the Amnesia. Funny enough, I forget the breeder this one is from. But it was another freebie from Seedsman. She's getting the same treatment as I give to most autos - I pull the main cola to the side. Pretty simple, and it seems to work.
:pass:hey JS'! ....I see some "classic" N defc happening, an easy fix too,... Have a look at the Defc. Pic Depot in the colored sections above the main Infirmary section,... Ni s mobile within the plant (meaning it can be translocated from established tissues to where it's more needed), and of all the mobile nutes it seems to me the plant consistently pulls the needed N from the lowest leaves, usually overall color fade before it browns out,... P is mobile too, but I see it yellowing and spotting up at mid level or even higher....
Feed her some grow/high N feeds in combo with bloom nutes; some fade is normal of course, but this is starting too early and strongly,...:thumbsup:

Here's another little predator friend I discovered the other day. I love these little guys. I hope they don't eat all of my ladybugs and larvae, though. View attachment 1096158
:amazon: my fav' type of spider-- Jumpers are bad-assers! Alas, they will eat whatever they can bag, good bug or bad,...

Hah! I love those little jumpers! Too bad they eat the beneficials, too, but I guess that is nature, and I'm sure not going to remove or kill them.

I'm taking your advice and resorting to using some ionic nutes (Megacrop and Bud Explosion is what I have on hand). On these two plants. They were only ever experiments in organic growing. When I mixed the soil, I put in mostly promix, and only maybe 10-15% of my super soil (those are big pots!), and then I planted immediately. It got the plant this far! Top dressings have helped I'm sure, but these are hungry plants and I'm not going to let them crash. So, hybrid organic/salts it is!

My plan in the off season will be to either convert these into worm bins, or to create a no till living soil in them. Adding more microbes and some more organic inputs. They were just never given adequate time to grow a proper micro herd before being planted in.

Thanks again for the help, Waira! I appreciate it!