Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Hi Friends and Neighbors
I put some seeds in pots so I'll get started on my grow log. Here's my playground.
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I'm growing in homemade organic soil in 3gallon pots. All Mephisto genetics.
Seeds started in Root Riot cubes two days ago. They were most showing sprouts this morning so I potted them up.
We have:
6 Sour Blues. Two of these were started earlier as soil testers
5 Deep Blue C f2
4 Sour Crack. I set 7 of these to germ but only 4 had shown legs this AM so will be hoping for them.
I've also got Fantasmo and Auto Blues which I will start later. I have some 7 gallon fabric pots coming for those.
This first group of plants will be crowded together. I'd like to harvest them in time to give the Fantasmo and Auto Blues more room to finish big if they want to:bighug:.
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Hi Friends and Neighbors
I put some seeds in pots so I'll get started on my grow log. Here's my playground.
View attachment 560293
I'm growing in homemade organic soil in 3gallon pots. All Mephisto genetics.
Seeds started in Root Riot cubes two days ago. They were most showing sprouts this morning so I potted them up.
We have:
6 Sour Blues. Two of these were started earlier as soil testers
5 Deep Blue C f2
4 Sour Crack. I set 7 of these to germ but only 4 had shown legs this AM so will be hoping for them.
I've also got Fantasmo and Auto Blues which I will start later. I have some 7 gallon fabric pots coming for those.
This first group of plants will be crowded together. I'd like to harvest them in time to give the Fantasmo and Auto Blues more room to finish big if they want to:bighug:.
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this looks so good, maybe we can do a challenge some time, both of use making soil, growing N, me in a greenhouse you in Your house, jealous of the control you have
It does look like rot, but they were hot and dry for the most part. Oh well amateur week for me:)
Nah not tired of the view, but I like the pace and the clean air even more:pass:
had one rot at the level where compost mulch was up against stem, got to hot, so now I take care to keep mulch pulled back until stem hardens off
Hey thanx for the slap buddy. Got some autu blues germinating that'll go in the empty pots.
The survivors seem to be doing ok. Maybe a little slow but we'll see, they may have some of the same damage but I'm not gonna dig around to see. They are normal looking.
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what we want to see!
Howdy man good to see you here, and huge thanks for the rep!
Got a bit of a shaky start here but we're on the way again. Gonna have to transplant a few that I have in snall pots. Should have a full house at any rate.
I'm so disorganized that it's like starting from scratch every season. Having a record of my goofups should help next time!
Most of the survivors of the damping-off episode are moving along ok, though a bit behind schedule after the stress.
Here's 3 deep blue c with two replacements in back ,,catching up quickly.

Then 4 sour crack, plus one replacement(in small pot) for probably the one on back left.

Sour blues, two older ones were my test girls, but they have gotten sexy so I've made them part of the family. 25-28 days old maybe. They stayed in little cups for a long time but have done pretty good since transplant. In preflower.

I got to take the starter shelf out of the front window, makes for better light.
Only procedurally... I was too aggressive with the water/or tea and also topping up the pots. At least that's my assessment. If there's something more wrong I'll know soon:)
Only procedurally... I was too aggressive with the water/or tea and also topping up the pots. At least that's my assessment. If there's something more wrong I'll know soon:)
bet the tea was just too much for the young and tender, boosted soil biotic, everything grows, just weren't hardened off enough to handle