Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Scored a nice mess o prawns yesterday, going dry out these shells and make some meal for future use.


Slowly moving forward in the sunroom, will be looking for ways to tune up this soil for next time around. Gonna need to haxe a nice "ladies tea" here eventually. Some will be getting a rice water and aloe drink today.
The tomatoes and squash are liking my soil:)
Had another setback here, 4 of the 5 Auto Blues gave it up and the 5th is not doing much. Doesn't look so much like damping- off, but there is no root development on these seedlings.

I'm reluctant to start more til I figure this out. I have 5 Fantasmo beans and kind of need them to survive.
These older plants, my soil test girls, don't look too bad, at @34 days. The smaller one here is @19 days i think.


Here's 5 sour crack at @ 19 days. Except the one in the small pot, @14 days.

And 4 Deep Blue C.

I'm more accustomed to starting my seeds in cups and transplanting and we've always done well with that. I don't feel like I've done real well controlling the moisture levels in the full-size pots with these babies. But they do seem pretty touchy. The lack of roots is puzzling me. I'll try starting the next ones in cups with a lighter medium, my soil and Promix mayhaps. Definitely open to suggestions here
Old mate , try this - drill a mob of holes in the pots . You can use a soldering iron if you have one , then place a fan pointing at the pots for air flow - helps to dry the soil out . But unlike this one take the holes all the way to the bottom . :thumbsup:
Week 3, 4x DBC

4x Sour Crack

They're getting to where they look like they could tolerate a drink of tea.
And I'm trying a little lst on one of my soil test Sour Blues girls.