Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Today I put holes in my pots as per @hecno s suggestion, I really think that will help. I also poked them on the bottom and then set the pots on a bit of gravel in the trays. They had terrible drainage. There was some coco coir in the bottom holding up the moisture
I dumped out the pots that held the damped-off seedlings and saw just how wet the soil sas towards the bottom. Talk about a good graphic lesson. It was cringe-inducing lol....I'm hoping the hole-y ones dry out quickly.
Bud porn....I have been holding out. Here's one that grew from a seed I produced last season. I make these seeds for some of my neighbors who grow outdoors and usually grow some myself, but didn't this year except for this test plant. It stayed in a cup till it started to flower. I call the strain "O" and they have been crossed with Low Ryder. The strain has been evolving for maybe 25 years. It started as an excellent indica photo that we crossed with the first ruderalis we came across. Pretty much obliterated the great qualities of the original but has ALWAYS produced reliably, although not real high test. Looks like better than average frost but its a dwarf, the strain generally gets to 3-4 feet tall.

Gonna be smoking this pretty soon:)
Good Morning, some pics from today, ending week 3

And 5 Sour Crack

And 3 Sour Blues, the two older ones are at 5 weeks or so
Here's a group shot

I've got more seed sprouting, mainly 5 Fantasmo Express, plus some of those O seeds I produced last year (as shown above). I lost enough if my Mephisto babes that these O's get to play again this season. Nothing like a good old standby:smoking: they will get whatever's left of the soil after the Fantasmo are potted up, and will be in very small pots:)
I'll add that I fed a compost tea y'day but didn't give them as much as i would like. I'm still trying to dry the pots out. They are still a bit overweight. I've pulled the mulch off and roughed up the surface a little.
@olderthandirt ya sunlight only. I think I need some mechanical ventilation to really make it right, it does get hot sometimes. I'm considering a lighted seedling start setup for the future. I've always got a lot of stretch.
That's a good site there kinda got lost wandering around lol. I probably can't put anything in the roof, because it's part of the house, Alaska winters and all I'm a little afraid of that. If I could get one of those in each end wall though I bet that would help a ton.