Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Well, life gets complicated sometimes. So I got distracted and lost a few seedlings. I'll put up a pic but it appears they were affected where I raised the soil level in the pots after the seedlings got leggy. This is something I do normally but these gals were more radical with the stretching. And maybe it was too soon.
So I also let them get real hot and quite dry one day which is what I thought was the cause of the mortality but looking at this made me wonder.
Anyway got some empty pots for some Auto Blues.
Looks as though they rotted at the raised soil level.

Oh yeah, ya ever get tired o' that view? I 'magine prolly no (-;

It does look like rot, but they were hot and dry for the most part. Oh well amateur week for me:)
Nah not tired of the view, but I like the pace and the clean air even more:pass:
Right on brother, they're queuing up as we speak:headbang:
What kind are you replacing them with? Sorry about the death, but they happen. I just had a batch of 20 seeds, 15 sprouted, 1 died, and 5 never broke soil. Not the greatest numbers, but all 20 did germ, so it was most likely something I did or didn't do...
:slap: & :karmacloud: For the new gals!
Hey thanx for the slap buddy. Got some autu blues germinating that'll go in the empty pots.
The survivors seem to be doing ok. Maybe a little slow but we'll see, they may have some of the same damage but I'm not gonna dig around to see. They are normal looking.
Yep looked like damping- off all right. Life was a little off-track for a few days there if you know what I mean...
The DBC survivors look good... the Sour Crack not quite so good but may be ok. I have backups coming along for some, and some Auto Blues germing. We'll try to get these off to a better start:)