Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

I agree, the buildasoil is cool. They seem to like to spread the love, not just make profits.
Well, it looks like between the root riot cubes and the Mephisto genetics we got 100% germ and this AM they're all lifting their heads above ground:d5:
Here's a weather report for the sunroom this morning, outside it's 42F rainy and windy.
I'll start that tea brewing tomorrow morning. Looks like they'll be ready to eat in a couple. days. Ma says there may be a can of coconut milk in the pantry somewhere.
:pass: Take care friends
Yea that stuff didn't look right. I poured a little in and it looked like fat congealing on top so scraped it off:nono: lol...
So it's fresh aloe filet, rice wash, mycos, and seaweed. The seaweed is giant bulb kelp and a red porphyra that grows on it. Recommended by a local bud who grows some good stuff. I just put some pieces in the bubbles for awhile. Thanks for lookin in guys
The girls are springing up fast, all leggy as usual. I'm impressed with how uniformly they're growing, like they are all on the same schedule.
Hey Jake, thanks for coming by:pass:. These will be staying in the sunroom for the duration. These are the compact style plants and will stay crowded together like that...
It's just too darn rainy here for a reliable outdoor grow. However, I may try some outdoors since I have a few more seeds. If I don't run out of soil. I'd like to see how these autos do out there. I still have some beans to plant for the sunroom (Fantasmo and Auto Blues) and they may take the rest of my soil.
I think you said you'd be putting the auto blues in 7s, that strain is one of the smaller mephistos if I'm not mistaken. You could probably save on soil by putting those in smaller containers. 3 gal would probably do it.