Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

I'm sure you'd love it, but yea if your mate likes summer you wouldn't want to subject her to much of it lmao. Mine loves it because she gets to do her art stuff without much interruption once we get the fishing out of the way
There's still a little action in the sunroom. The Mephisto gear is all put away but my own OxEZ gals are developing nicely...depending on the quality of the smoke I figure I'll grow some these next season, they pretty much grew themselves. Here's the 3-in-a-tub that grew outside most of the summer. The tallest is 35" tall

A close-up of the main top.

Here's one of the indoor ones at 27"..filling in nicely

Also a lovely Blue Dream photo from bagseed, it's at 46", be interesting if it fills out...it is in early flowering and I'm not real certain of her future

We're taking off after fishing(about 10 more days) to drive down to Seattle for a few weeks. So will be making some arrangements for these plants.
Well boys and girls, fishing is getting down to the last vestiges, real slow and boring but the darn things are valuable enough to keep us at it, so I'm still not hanging out here enough. Happy growing everyone:pass:
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I think the OEZs will finish up fine in the sunroom, I hope they're done in 2 weeks but that's pretty optimistic lol...We'll be away after that for 3 weeks so we'll see. I can have someone watering and stuff but would like to be there when they're done :biggrin:
The BD is running pretty late, the daylight will be wanting i think. Maybe I can find someone with space in their growroom. It sure has a nice form.:cheers:
Well, we ended up with just over a week between moving off the boat and setting off in the pickup for the drive down to the civilized world... Seattle to be exact. So it's been a little busy around here.
Bit of an update,though. I just cut the three-in-a-tub, the biggest gave 66 grams wet trimmed. The other two are hanging whole. They are quite a bit smaller, maybe 40g between them. This was the container that lived outside through a lot of the summer rain. These are my OEZ's.
. Pretty sticky and solid :toke: Heres a flash shot

And a natural shot

These OEZ's were in the sunroom in small cups til they went into the pots vacated by some of the earlier plants that lacked root development. These plants are not ready to chop, real solid but still tossing some white pistals. Just the merest hint of frost. I wonder what they'll look like when I return.



Here's what the sunroom looks like now. The plants to the left are the blue dream photos. They look pretty nice, lots of bud sites...I'm hoping they'll fill in while I'm gone. They got a good shot of flowering tea ala @ Eyes on Fire.
Thanks brother yep I'm happy, it's been real interesting.
It's true thise BD's should get some light for sure. They should have had it in the spring when the few amps I can give them would have gone a long way. Next time:cheers: