Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Here's what. my stuff looks like
Glad you're able to lay off the jars a bit and let it cure--for all the work, effort and energy we put in, seems a shame to lose patience on a good cure. The buds are so much better, typically, I find a big difference after about a month's time, for sure.:cheers:
yeah man, if you sample it every week you'll see and notice a difference and it falling off and sweetening up and mellowing out too. it'll sting less and less on your nose and so on. so nice. but different strains run a little different as well along with denseness of flower structure plays a role too, but I usually get usable anyone quality buds within 3 weeks on average.5 weeks? sheeeit, game over ,DONE! LOL! :D

and if it is staying there,weather the smell taste and/or sting? it was burped too little, or dried too fast. but if it passes the squeeze test as well, just let it ride and the smell and taste will pop out eventually with minimal burping,especially once you break into it.not on the surface,but crack into it.? WHOA!! :D
I wish the jars were here with me but it's not a real good place for them on the boat. I get to burp them every few days... Yea it's interesting to see it change. Freshly cut it was nice and stinky, then when dried in the box was not so much, unremarkable. Now the scent and flavor is coming out real nice. I don't have a way to check RH but kinda know how it "should" be lol...hands on man.seat of the pants.
Chopped that last Deep blue c... I put it to hang (whole) inside a brown paper bag. I did this with one of the others and it seemed to have a nicer scent than the box ones after a few days so thought I'd try it again.

This an auto blues and a dbc

The deep blue c is about 50 days old, and is showing some frost. The auto blues isn't real frosty but it's probably next on the chopping block.
Heres a flash shot of the dbc.

Had some some Dall porpoise swimming back and forth under the bow the other day that's always a hoot. I get too excited and can't get the timing right on the camera.lol

Oh yea here's a couple of my OxEZ plants that were kind of an afterthought... they really haven't had much care but are doing nicely. Got some good news my friend I supplied these seeds to (I produced these last year) has had real good luck with them and is getting a seed crop too. He also crossed them with some of the mephisto genetics I gave him. These are @ 70 days old.

So, fishng near home these days which is real nice for us. Ma is back in the garden and I'm doing this... have fun my friends.
View attachment 609715 Hi brothers and sisters, we've been fishing real steady, had some real awesome days and some real slow lmao, sounds pretty typical. 4:00 AM here and I thought I had a good internet connection to upload some pics. I chopped 3 of my 4 Deep Blue C. Left one to see if i'd get more amber. They were maybe 20- 25% on the ones I took. Can't wait to try this stuff sure smells good.
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These are the last plants of the first round, that all had a real rough start. Close to 90 days I guess. Man, it's time to fire up this old boat a get out there. Hope all's well with you all.
beautiful buds bro!
I've been greatly enjoying the sour blues I harvested a while back, wow i see it's over a month in cure! It's real nice meds at work here. It very relaxing without messing with my head. Like any job i suppose, things can get a bit aggravating lol but this really helps me keep things mellow without affecting my performance.
sounds like real good daytime stuff