Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Just popped home for s quick turn-around, forgot the camera again so mobile photos..
here's some Deep Blue C



They're getting close, some amber trichs gonna give them a few more days
And these are my own O x EZ ryder. They're in some tiny pots, but they seem to want to grow up...go figure:)
I would have ponytailed thi fantasmo if I'd have been home. Im not sure if the roots will ever reach the GBD soil in the bottom.

Checking the pots in which the already harvested plants grew, I see very little root development. We'll have to discuss this eventually:):):)
Okay, I need to get back to the fish. I think we have them located:) we had a good trip and anxious to get back at them.
Hope alls well with you my friends.
Well fishing was kinda slow this trip, we'll probably have to "move down the way" ( fowards the ocean) a bit to get some better results.
A few quick fuzzy pics
This orchid b!oomed while we were away. Anybody have a name for it? We don't know anything about them. T'was a refugee we took in:)

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Heres the boat anchored out front
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And a group shot of the sunroom
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Hope all's well with you all.
The orchid is beautiful and so is all your girls.
Love your journal
The quality will get better,with each grow.Those plants will get bigger and bigger.Before you know it they will be trying to go fishing with you.LOL.Peace.

That's right brother, it's a new beginning for me...it's gonna be nice when I get it tuned in.
Weather has us in the harbor today, so here's a bit of update.
I chopped fhe Sour blues 3 last time. Here she is semi-trimmed up

These deep blue c are probably ready now but i'm going to wait till next time. Tallest ones are 16"

This auto blues seems to be finishing up without getting very frosty

Fishings been ok, and the weather has been alright for the most part. We needed this rain we're getting now, the creeks were getting pretty low.
I was just trying some sour crack in the vaporizer, sure is nice. It's a bit more psychoactive than the sour blues but still very relaxing.
Hope everyone's got a good grow on:pass: