Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Oh man id love to grow under lights. Being off the grid though makes it pretty expensive. We have hydro and solar power but not enough for even a small grow .. We'll need to run a generator for it and fuel is about double the price here. That being said I fully intend to do it someday lmao. Just a bit more logistics involved.
Hi brothers and sisters, we've been fishing real steady, had some real awesome days and some real slow lmao, sounds pretty typical. 4:00 AM here and I thought I had a good internet connection to upload some pics. I chopped 3 of my 4 Deep Blue C. Left one to see if i'd get more amber. They were maybe 20- 25% on the ones I took. Can't wait to try this stuff sure smells good.


These are the last plants of the first round, that all had a real rough start. Close to 90 days I guess. Man, it's time to fire up this old boat a get out there. Hope all's well with you all.
I've been greatly enjoying the sour blues I harvested a while back, wow i see it's over a month in cure! It's real nice meds at work here. It very relaxing without messing with my head. Like any job i suppose, things can get a bit aggravating lol but this really helps me keep things mellow without affecting my performance.