Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Needless to say I've been busy. But, yesterday we sold a load of fish, got new ice, then went and anchored at home. I ended up cutting down my 5 Sour Crack, they had plenty of amber trichs. Here they are with a quick trim.
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Here's Sour Blues [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] probably next in lineView attachment 597511

Heres a shot of the skiff garden getting it in.
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And our salad garden on deck for when we can't get to the garden
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Hope everyones grows are going well hope to catch up soon,
man. that SB#3 looking real frost, love the onboard garden, that made my day
You got some jars to fill with some dank homegrown,very nice my friend.Love the skiff garden.Keep them pics coming.I like to see scenes from a cooler climate,its 100 plus every day here in the devils asshole where i live.Keep it green my northern friend.Blow some cool karma my way.Peace.
Too hot today here but it would probably feel soothing to you my friend. It's nice and cool out on the water but not so here in the harbor.
Here's a dock scene
Well fishing was kinda slow this trip, we'll probably have to "move down the way" ( fowards the ocean) a bit to get some better results.
A few quick fuzzy pics
This orchid b!oomed while we were away. Anybody have a name for it? We don't know anything about them. T'was a refugee we took in:)



Heres the boat anchored out front

And a group shot of the sunroom

Hope all's well with you all.