Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow

Thanks man. We troll for salmon, mostly king and coho. Its always been a family affair, our son was aboard til he was old enough to get off.. We just fish out of our home port and 1-3 day trips. So we get to tend to the plants and raid the garden regularly. We can anchor at home in good weather or tie to the dock which is 10 minutes away. Season lasts til late September. This our 34th year in this fishery.
awesome work!
Well guys and gals, our fishery opens in a week so needless to say I'm neck deep in preparation for that. Wife and I will be moving aboard soon. The good news is the wifi seems to be working pretty well at the dock where we usually try to tie up at the end of the day if we're lucky and the fish come our way. If they don't, then we'll be out and about and who knows:)... heres some pics from today.

This is my next in line Sour Blues, getting close to harvest. She doesn't look as mature in this pic but she's pretty red.
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Next is a younger SB at about 50+ days
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And an Auto Blues about the same age
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Deep Blue C from the original stunted survivor group
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I've got a few more pictures but I have to get to work now, will post em when I get back.
byoooooootiful!! great work, sir!
Needless to say I've been busy. But, yesterday we sold a load of fish, got new ice, then went and anchored at home. I ended up cutting down my 5 Sour Crack, they had plenty of amber trichs. Here they are with a quick trim.


Here's Sour Blues [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] probably next in line

Heres a shot of the skiff garden getting it in.

And our salad garden on deck for when we can't get to the garden

Hope everyones grows are going well hope to catch up soon,
Oh and I got to smoke my first ever solid stinky homegrown Mephisto sour blues. I'd say it has just the affect I was hoping for, nice relaxing full-body stone. I'm happy with that.
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