Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow 2017

Thanks for that my friend. Sure I could wish for better growing conditions but I love where I am and have to take the bad with the good. I'm still adjusting to the sunroom . Before that they were pretty exposed.I never even tried to grow good weed though just the local ditchweed well I tried a few but it was ridiculous. This grow is kind of scary right now but that's often the case lol...I know it'll be ok in the end. The sunroom has it's own challenges just have to figure it out.
Damn you got a lot of challenges for sure.love your grows man.,all look so healthy.Peace please
So what do you think of the cob for starting seedlings can't remember if you had it at the start. I got a 24w T5 and the seedlings like it...it's not enough though hehe. I may be able to get away with 50 watts..
I just planted 28 seeds to solo instas yesterday, I'm sure the autocob is great for starts, I will have to watch the sun though, I noticed solos were warming to 90f, probably have to shade them part of the sun day
Okay, I've been talking about boats and fish, but for those who weren't along last season I'll explain what I'm doing. My wife and I are commercial salmon fisherman we've been doing this for over 30 years. We have a wood troller 80+ years old. We fish July to September for coho and king salmon. I usually spend May and June working on the boat but I'm a little late on that this year. I'm more interested in my plants:biggrin:
gardening, the new "job", hehe
Here's a few new pics. It's still staying mostly grey and rainy with occasional sunbreaks so everyone is doing what they can with the diffused light.
I'll start with the nursery under the new little T5
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I'm really rooting for this little Black Stone, tiny but pretty
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I have 3 of these Triangle Kush in the 3gallon pots plus one in a gallon container
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Here's my sea of crack lol, Sour and White in their 1 gallon fabric pots.View attachment 747550 View attachment 747550 View attachment 747550
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Some of the Moonstone Amnesia regs. These are starting to show sex.
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considering the overcast you have, they are looking good
I'm thankful every day for having landed here for sure. And I do feel privileged to own it.And it certainly isn't just the beauty that makes it so good. That's fun to share and I love to post pics that may give folks a bit of enjoyment. I'm a total homebody too there's nothing like coming home. Such a peaceful feeling.
It is a lot of work, though,and I'm feeling it more and more. Canna helps a lot!
canna, balm for us old's with all the wear and tear
and better too many than too little!

That seems to be right this grow, I think there's some stunting going on.
considering the overcast you have, they are looking good
I'm sure they'll love it when the sun does shine...to put it mildly it has been even greyer than usual..heavy rain today hope it's getting it over with.
canna, balm for us old's with all the wear and tear
i'm appreciating it more all the time. Having a nice variety this year made it even more so!
I'm waaay impressed Jrav, looking really good in the sun room. last season's learning sure is evident. My frosty crystal ball says........good harvests coming!
Thank you brother. It has gone better this time. Hardest thing is not loving them to death hehe. They really don't want to consume much when it's like this.