Outdoor Jravens Alaska Summer 2020

Hey friends and fellow growers :pass: This thread isn't all that long so I think I'll just continue from here. Anyone who's interested can check out the beginning...I don't think my intro has changed much. Well I think I had a boat thing happening last spring.
Anyhow, I've got some things starting to come out of the seedling cabinet and into the solarium whih is already crammed with tomatos lol. I'm anxious to get them out to the greenhouse but the nights have just now began to stay above 50F overnight.
This year I have strains from friends here and some from the Portal...@stickman, @BCBudlady and @trailanimal
From Stick I have Z6xErdebei x CBD Haze
View attachment 1324792
And from @Bald Monkey Thai Passion
View attachment 1324793
From Trail I have Sugar Baker and from BC I have GoldwidowCBD, those seedlings are still in the cab and will come out in a while.
Hey hey Jr :cheers: good to see you growing pal:thumbsup: Looking forward to some wildlife and scenery pics hope your local fauna and Flora:vibe::toke::crying::pass:
I'm ready . :thumbsup:
Hey friends and fellow growers :pass: This thread isn't all that long so I think I'll just continue from here. Anyone who's interested can check out the beginning...I don't think my intro has changed much. Well I think I had a boat thing happening last spring.
Anyhow, I've got some things starting to come out of the seedling cabinet and into the solarium whih is already crammed with tomatos lol. I'm anxious to get them out to the greenhouse but the nights have just now began to stay above 50F overnight.
This year I have strains from friends here and some from the Portal...@stickman, @BCBudlady and @trailanimal
From Stick I have Z6xErdebei x CBD Haze
:bighug:Jay-ray, great to see you fire up the ol' grow machine once again!

Really nice selections this round,...I see some Baldy gear for an interesting twist- :greenthumb:Crazy old viking, he's such a good breeder!
Wow, some Rebel babies too- :woohoo1: ...I need to try and catch up with her in email, since she's flying below the radar nowadays,...

Fingers crossed for the lovely babes in the GH my friend! ...I think I asked already, no outdoor ladiez this year?
:bighug:Jay-ray, great to see you fire up the ol' grow machine once again! View attachment 1325731
Really nice selections this round,...I see some Baldy gear for an interesting twist- :greenthumb:Crazy old viking, he's such a good breeder!
Wow, some Rebel babies too- :woohoo1: ...I need to try and catch up with her in email, since she's flying below the radar nowadays,...

Fingers crossed for the lovely babes in the GH my friend! ...I think I asked already, no outdoor ladiez this year?
Hey brother thanks for the slap :toke: :pass: I'll put the Monks OD and hope for the best but it's raining so hard it's hard to contemplate:crying:
I'm even holding up on moving stuff to the GH ( just cool and grey still) so everything but the monks are still jammed into the solarium with a COB:rofl: and a full seedling cabinet too so interesting times:smoking:
There's been some hiccups it seems with the Thai Passion grows but BM's looked great so hoping for a good show